Meeting Minutes

August 2008 Minutes

SDXA – 07 august 2008

the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.

secretary’s report by WA0WWW, jay:
minutes for june are on the club’s web page:
N7ER moved and WU7X 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.

treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $147.74 (not including Brackemyer Fund)

old business:
= Field Day went great. N5AR’s place worked great and Dan was a gracious host. both stations ran very near the 24hours. there are pictures and a write up on the club’s web page.

= summer picnic at K7AWB and W7PEG’s also went well and all who attended had a great time. Peg and Steve had it all laid out for us very nicely. there are pictures on the club’s web page.

= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year, @ the Mirabeau Park, fri to sun, 7-9 august 2009.
the Portland convention went well and was a good learning experience. our flyer in the registration pack was a hit and there was lots of excitement around the convention that Spokane is in the rotation now to host the convention. the VE6s were ecstatic. there will be a meeting of the committees chairs, and others that want to help with our convention, at K7OX, Gary’s, on saturday morning the 23rd.
as reported before the YL national convention is also at the Mirabeau next June. we should see how they do there; .

= the Post Falls hamfest had a good crowd, KARS did a nice job.

= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be on 27september at the usual place, University High School. Betsy, N7WRQ, has the entire hamfest well in control. the latest flyer and registration form with many of the details are on several local web pages, one is: . WA0WWW, jay, has been to the meetings and K7TQ, Randy, will be our point person as we will be doing the registration like last year. the hamfest committee has identified some non-2 meter handheld nicer prizes, e.g. Alinco switching power supply & Weller Solder Station. see AC7MV, Dave, or KC7QGV, Marybeth for raffle tickets ahead of time.

= the section manager from Wyoming is moving to the area, Chris Pritchard. he was WY7UPR and now WX7B. once he is settled, we will see if he has interest in joining the club.

new business:
= W7FCB, Rudy, informed us that W7KDV, Bruce Ebert, of Oaksdale is now an SK. he is in contact with the family and they would like some help in selling his equipment. he will be putting a list together.

= we have a new member to the club, K7EIQ, Merle Trenary of Elk. he stopped by N5AR’s during field day and has interests in DXing and contesting among other areas. welcome Merle.

= looks like N5AR, Dan’s, presentation on balun’s was a hit. the email responses on our google reflector say so. thanks Dan.

= next month’s program will be 04 SEPTEMBER, 2008 at the North Spokane Library on Scarborough Reef DXpedition BS7H, in the rocks.

respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 0
call name

regular members present: – 18
call name present
K7EIQ Merle Trenary x
AC7MV David Snyder x
K7AWB Steve Sala web x
K7EKM Kirk Mohror Treas x
K7HRT Patrick O’Dea x
K7OX Gary Elliott Pres. x
K7TQ Randy Foltz VP x
KC7QGV Marybeth Snyder x
KE7KPO Carl Maki x
KW7J Harvey Brown x
N5AR Dan Hearn x
N7ER Earl Ringle x
W3AS Doug Brede x
W7FCB Rudy Schroeder x
W7ZNN Don Crisp x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb Sec. x
WA1PMA Wayne Millican x
WU7X Dale Avery x