August 2005 Minutes

Minutes of Aug. 04 2005 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by President Randy K7TQ at the North Spokane County Library at E. 44 Hawthorne. There were 17 members present.and one visitor.

*N7EF-F-Jim worked Walvis Island, this Month, which he’s been looking for, and also put up his “Hi-Tower” for 40 and 80.

*N7ER-F-Earl got his radials installed on his Vertical, which improved the performance a lot.

*AC7GP-A-Bob has been operating from Loon Lake a lot lately. Got a contact with Jim in Roratonga.

Also had a good conversation with Marti in Finland.

*W6AEA-F-George spent sometime on the IARU Contest, worked about 30 QSO’S.

*K7HRT-F-Pat went fishing in July so he missed the Club Picnic. He took his 20 watt ‘897’ and a dipole and worked a few QSO’S.

Pat also put up a 5 ele. 6M beam. He worked Sable I. on the 17th.

*KK7LX-Rolf is a new member. He works 10M DX a lot. He just worked all counties in the U.S.- I think I heard 5 times over- WOW!, if I heard right.

*KC7QGV-A-Marybeth hasn’t been on the radio since Field Day(where she did a great job supervising the Picnic, with help from husband Dave AC7MV.

*AC7MV-A-Dave said he hasn’t been on the radio this month-(except ,I assume 10M on Saturdays.

*WA7LT-F-Lamar still looking for his Heil Headset and acouple of kitchen utensils(antenna?) from Field Day. No radio this month, but he spent 2 days helping Joe Rudi NK7U,from Baker, Or., and his helper Mike KI7T,load 220 Ft. of tower, Rotors,cable and parts on a truck and trailer for the trip to Joe’s terrific DX site in Oregon.

*WS7I-F-Jay had no radio activity to report, but had an interesting conversation with Joe NK7U during his

*K7EKM-A-Kirk is half way, digging a “Big Hole” for his tower.

Kirk mentioned that a N. Korea station is supposed to come on the air Aug. 1.

*K7OX-F-Gary said that Gary KH6GMP, an honorary member from Hawaii was coming to the meeting but had to cancel.

Gary got his 2nd tower up for 10&15 M, now waition for Hardline to complete.

Gary knows where to get hardline, (and copper fittings work, if you don’t have any connectors).

*W7FCB-F-Rudy’s 30 A. power supply broke and was told it was a tough fix, so he replaced 4 diodes and 2 Zeners himself and it was fixed.

*KD7OCT hasn’t done much radio this month except checking into a 75M Net now and then but did talk with a JA8 up in up in Niigata. He’s been working on a couple of mods on his KWM2A to get it in shape.

*K7TQ-F-Randy changed his Force 12 C4S antenna to a C4SXL so it now has 2 elements on 40 M. He and Lamar also added 10 ft. to his 50 ft. tower for 60 ft

*N5AR-F-Dan has been conversing with a friend from Dallas – Mike(call sign unknown) whose QTH is now Moses Lake and owns Steppir Antennas. Dan says we’re invited down to Moses Lake for a Steppir Demo.

Dan’s been busy working on antenna’s this month and East Coast 40 M.

Dan is going to discontinue our 2M DX Net next week as it has served its purpose

*WA9PIE-a visitor- Mike who has been here a year and is relocating his family to Post Falls area is an active Dxer with 323 confirmed countries.

Welcome Mike! We hope you’ll join the group and welcome your input..


Bank Account on Aug. 01 2005 $ 329.13

Dues $ 30.00

Cash $ 50.15

Total on hand $ 409.28


As mentioned; we will drop the Thurs. 2M DX net, for now.


It’s time to think about nominations for club officers for next year.

Christmas Banquet coming up in December-We need a leader and location ideas .


Pres. Randy commented that we made less points this year because of poor propagation and whatever else, but a good effort was put forth. Randy plans to present another in depth analysis, as last year, probably at the Sept. meeting.



“In the short 4 years of the club, the SDXA has won the Local Club Gavel 3 times. The Gavel is awarded to the club member who contributes the highest score to the club effort.

In 2002 the Gavel was awarded to Gary K7OX for the ARRL CW Sweepstakes

In 2005 the Gavel was awarded to Barb KE7AJ for the RTTY Roundup.

In 2005 the Gavel was also awarded to Lamar WA7LT for the ARRL DX Phone Contest.”

CONGRATULATIONS, FOLKS!! Not bad for a new club!

JA3CZY Elvin, Honorary Member and Ichi Ban Tomodachi (very good friend)- recently informed us that he was recently presented with a beautiful new granddaughter,who was named Risa. Congratulations Elvin, and our best wishes to you and your family!

Check it out! Sept. QST Page 105 has a great picture of a determined group of

Outstanding Contesters from none other than SDXA.Good Show, Guys! (They had a great score too, even though Lamar’s not smiling, as he usually is.)


Our annual Field Day was a great success and a good time was had by all. Thanks to everyone from the club to all who were able to contribute or attend the outing!!!

Our annual club picnic was also a successful venture and I know all enjoyed it.

Thanks especially to Dale WU7X and Nancy for hosting it!!


The annual Hamfest at University H.S. will be Sat. Sept. 24. It’s a very good event with lots of tables and swapping and good food plus seminars.

Plan NOW to attend and enjoy . We’ll be forwarding an e-mail with details soon. It’s always a fun get together and a chance to see old friends and meet new ones.


A very interesting and educational Video on Tower Raising, from the Potomac Valley Radio Club, was presented by Steve K7AWB. There will be more in the series in the future. Thanks Steve!

Remember to visit our web site for lots of info. and links!

73 and happy DXing!

Loren KD7OCT


Spokane DX Association