October 2007 Minutes
OCTOBER 4, 2007
7:00 P.M.
Gary (K7OX) called the meeting to order.
Visitor KE7ONA, Monty from Cheney was with us and introduced himself.
Welcome Monte!
Minutes were approved as posted on the website.
The Treasurer’s report was given and received as presented.
Nominating Committee presented a slate of nominees (for 2008 officers):
President: Gary – K7OX
Vice President: Randy – K7TQ
Treasurer: Kirk – K7EKM
Secretary: Jay – WA0WWW
Mary Beth – KC7QGV
Elections, per constitution will be held at the November 1 meeting.
Gary, K7OX, thanked everyone who participated in the Spokane Hamfest this year.
Also, noted that the Hamfest next year will be led and handled by a different club.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Wayne, WA1PMA, stated that our Cluster station is up and running well and all the information is on the web page.
Gary, K7OX, thanked Wayne, WA1PMA, Jay, WS7I, and Pat, K7HRT for getting the Cluster up and running.
As posted on the web site, Wilse’s WX7P program for tonight was cancelled and will be held next month, so Lamar WA7LT will be presenting the program tonight.
Submitted by,
Mary Beth Snyder
Additional Note: After much consideration, Mary Beth (KC7QGV) has decided not to run for the Secretarial Position, but would like to thank everyone for their support the last two years. I have enjoyed the opportunity of being able to assist the club in this capacity for the last two years. Again, thank you.
Introduction of members:
K7AWB Steve
K7EKM Kirk
K7GS Gary
K7OX Gary
KC7QGV Mary Beth
KD7OCT Loren
KW7I Harvey
NQ7V Corky
W3AS Doug
WA1PMA Wayne
WA7LT Lamar
WS7I Jay
KE7ONA Monty