October 2006 Minutes

OCTOBER 5, 2006
7:00 P.M.

Steve (K7AWB) called the meeting to order.

Visitors this evening were KD7JDX, Valden, and KE7EMH, Andrew Todero. We welcomed all members and visitors and thanked them for all their support and

The presentation this evening is given by K7OX, Gary. The program was on how to put up a 40 meter square array antenna system.

Program for next month (November) will be presented by WU7X (Dale) on a DVD presentation by Potomac Valley ARC.

LaMar WA7LT, Treasurer, gave the report for income and expenditures. There is $738 in Treasury at this time. The Hamfest went well, there were a lot
people to help.

Elections will be held in November. Kirk, K7ECM will chair the Election Committee for November.
Steve, K7AWB, announced that he will not run for office next year.
LaMar, WA7LT, announced that he would not run for office next year.
Dale, WU7X, announced that he would not run for office next year.

Dale, WU7X) Club Contest Chair Person reported:

CQWW phone contest October 10th through 26th
California QSO Party this month
Oceaiana DX Contest this month

Steve reported there is a ham radio music video that can been seen at www.hamband.com/html/video.html

John KE7CFS mentioned that Earl N7ER is having trouble with his antenna and perhaps some members may assist him.

Dale, WU7X, reported that if we get orders for CQ 2007 Calendars of 2 or more they will cost $11.00 each.

Bob AC7GP reports that the 10-10 Phone Sprint would be on October 14, 2006.

2 Visitors and 19 Members present this evening

Present this Evening:
Bob (M), AC7GP
Dave, AC7MV
Steve, K7AWB
Kirk, K7EKM
Gary, K7OX
Randy, K7TQ
Dennis, KD7KCW
Loren, KD7OCT
Barbara, KE7AJ
John, KE7CSF
Dan, N5AR
Earl, N7ER
Wayne, WA1PMA
LaMar, WA7LT
Jan, WS7I
WQ7O, Dennis Todaro
Dale, WU7X
Ken, W7KLL

KD7IZX, Valden
KE7CMH, Andrew Todaro

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Snyder, AC7MV
(secretary pro-tem)