November 2006 Minutes

NOVEMBER 2, 2006
7:00 P.M.

Steve (K7AWB) called the meeting to order.

Visitors this evening were AC7HI, B. R. “Bear” Carlson and Nancy Tuncil,
wife of W6AEA, George Tuncil. We thank our visitors and relatives for their
support and participation.

The presentation this evening is given by Dale, WU7X. Dale did a survey of
members present on what type of logging systems and contest of logging
system they used. The most used logging system used by members present was
WIN-EQF (5 used this logging program). The most used contest logging
system used by members present was WriteLog (8 used this program). The
program presented by Dale, WU7X, was on “Contest Software”.

Steve (K7AWB) reports result of the Hamfest. The SDXA provided $400.00 seed
money and received a profit of $638.00 receiving a check from the Hamfest
committee for $1038.00. 450 persons attended the Hamfest, and last year

The DX Club is to handle the admissions table at next years (2007) Hamfest
and sell raffle tickets at the admissions table. Each of the clubs
participating in sponsoring the Hamfest will participate in handling one of
the Hamfest Operations in order to make sure everything does not fall onto
one or a few persons as in the past years.

Lamar (WA7LT) provided the treasurers report. $1579.00 currently in
Treasury and $138.00 was received from W7BUD’s estate for selling some of
his items.

Lamar (WA7LT) reported that the club now has 25 members holding DXCC
Certificates and now the club can submit a petition for a second DXCC Card
Checker. Lamar (WA7LT) is stepping down as Club DXCC Card Checker and Jay
Townsend (WS7J) has volunteered to take over these duties from Lamar.

Minutes from October 2006 meeting posted on Club Website were approved
without additions or corrections.

Program for Next month (December) will be the Annual Banquet. Banquet will
be on December 7, 2006 at Shari’s Restaurant on Sullivan Road in the Spokane
Valley. Social Hour will begin at 6:00 p.m. with dinner at 7:00 p.m. More
details on our web page.

Nominating Committee: Kirk (K7ECM) reported that the following members have
volunteered to serve in the following positions:

President—Lamar (WA7LT)
Vice President—Gary (K7OX)
Secretary—Marybeth (KC7QGV)
Treasurer—Kirk (K7ECM)
Nominations were elected by acclimation.

Lamar thanked Kirk (K7EKM) for all his hard work at getting these positions

Dale (WU7X) Club Contest Chairperson reported that the ARRL CW Sweepstakes
contest will be November 4th through 6th. ARRL SSB Sweepstakes will be
November 18th through the 20th and that CQ WW DX CW Contest will be November
25th through the 26th. He asks for ideas for future programs from the

Lamar (WA7LT) reported that Chris Hurlbut (KL9A) Moscow, ID, has also become
a member of the Spokane DX Club.

No Old Business

2 Visitors and 19 Members present this evening
Present this Evening:

Bob (M), AC7GP
Dave, AC7MV
Gimmie, AL7LB
Steve, K7AWB
Kirk, K7EKM
Pat, K7HRT
Gary, K7OX
Randy, K7TQ
Marybeth, KC7QGV
Loren, KD7OCT
Earl, N7ER
Wayne, WA1PMA
LaMar, WA7LT
Dale, WU7X
Doug, W3AS
George, W6AEA
Ken, W7KLL
Wilse, WX7P

AC77HI, Bear
Nancy Tuncil

The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully Submitted,
David Snyder, AC7MV
(Secretary pro-tem)