April 2008 Minutes

the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.

Secretary’s report by WA0WWW, Jay:
minutes for march are on the club’s web page: https://sdxa.org/?p=305
N5AR moved and WA1PMA 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.

Treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: K7EKM was not able to make the meeting. 3 dues were paid tonight, thanks all.

Old business:

= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year
– contract has been signed with the Mirabeau Park at I90 and Sullivan for friday thru sunday, 7-9 August 2009
– for all interested to help, please let one of the officers know. Effort will start up in earnest right after >>
>> the NW DX Convention this year, which is 01-03 August in Portland. here is the link: http://wvdxc.org/dotnetnuke/DXConvention/tabid/71/Default.aspx. Several from our club are going to learn.

= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be 27september at the usual place, University High School.
– the new organization running the hamfest is still forming and learning what is needed. once we hear when their next meeting is, we will attend and if asked and all is in order, we will offer our seed money.

= Field Day, 28-29 june,2008 will be coming up quick.
– discussed where all the club equipment is and we know. about 8 raised their hand to help with Field Day, unfortunately K7AWB has family commitments this year. W3AS will have the GOTA like the past years, thanks Doug.
*** does anyone have a rack on a pick up or a way to haul out the long antennas and stuff? let an officer know.
– next month we will focus heavy on field day planning.

New business:

= K7OX and WA0WWW will be working on a new tri-fold brochure to promote the club, in preparation for our Pac. NW DX Convention. places this year to pass it out will be: Post Falls/Rathdrum(14june); Spokane(27sept); Pac NW DX convention in Portland(1-3aug) and the Pac NW VHF conference in Moses Lake(3-5oct).

= April 12, 2008. Yakima Hamfest. Yakima, Washington. Selah Civic Center, 216 South 1st Street, Selah, WA. This is an ARRL sanctioned event. Info, contact Lindsay Kooser, N7RHW 141 Stark Road #7 Yakima, WA 98908. Phone: 509-965-6612 Email: [email protected] . http://w7aq.org/ Flyer in PDF. (86K)

= Summer picnic, need to be thinking about it. anyone interested to host?

= WA1PMA, Wayne, had a great presentation on using the VE7CC DX Cluster application (once we got connected!  )

= next month’s program will be on using Writelog, the contesting logger we use at field day.

respectfully submitted by wa0www, Jay Holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 0
call name

regular members present: – 16
call name present
AC7GP Bob Meenach pd x
AC7MV David Snyder pd x
K7AWB Steve Sala pd web x
K7HRT Patrick O’Dea pd x
K7OX Gary Elliott pd Pres. x
K7TQ Randy Foltz pd VP x
KC7QGV Marybeth Snyder pd x
KD7OCT Loren Kirsch pd x
KE7KPO Carl Maki pd x
KW7J Harvey Brown pd x
N5AR Dan Hearn pd x
W3AS Doug Brede pd x
W7BHP Dick Snell pd x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb pd Sec. x
WA1PMA Wayne Millican pd x
WX7P Wilse Morgan pd x