May 2008 Minutes
SDXA – 01 may 2008
the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.
secretary’s report by WA0WWW, jay:
minutes for april are on the club’s web page:
WU7X moved and K7HRT 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.
treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $ 786.84 (not including Brackemyer Fund or one dues that came in)
a reminder was sent to several of the 2007 members that have not paid yet, 2 have responded dues are on the way.
old business:
= tri-fold brochure to promote the club is just about ready.
– K7OX, Gary and WA0WWW, jay, have been putting it together with review from the officers and a few others. Gary brought some samples he had printed up at Kinko’s (which seems to be the cheapest place, ~ 7¢). we will go with the heavier gray paper with black ink, it looked very good.
– the one input at the meeting is to look at adding a few pictures, we just have to remember they will be gray scale pictures. one or two on the back and maybe a water mark under inside text. please send Gary or jay any pictures that would work in black and gray before the end of May.
– we are thinking only printing up 150+ to start with.
= the next hamfest nearby is the one in Rathdrum/Post Falls on saturday 14june. see:
– Gary will be going to promote the club and would like to have 1 or 2 others come to help. please let him know soon, if you can come.
– we will have a free table, so you can bring some things to sell if you want.
= summer picnic will be at K7AWB and W7PEG’s, probably on saturday 12 july.
= Field Day, 28-29 june,2008 will be coming up quick.
– had a short discussion, W3AS is ready for the GOTA station, K7OX made a list of antennas and there were some other general discussions.
*** does anyone have a rack on a pick up or a way to haul out the long antennas and stuff? let an officer know.
– next month we will focus heavy on field day planning.
= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be 27september at the usual place, University High School.
– very little new this month. Gary continues to try and get a hold of them and no replies yet. we will continue to hold the seed money until we are comfortable with the plans for the hamfest.
= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year
– no report this month. we will start up in earnest in august.
– contract has been signed with the Mirabeau Park at I90 and Sullivan for friday thru sunday, 7-9 august 2009
– for all interested to help, please let one of the officers know. effort will start up in earnest right after >>
>> the NW DX Convention this year, which is 01-03 august in Portland. here is the link: several from our club are going to learn.
new business:
= none this month.
= K7OX, Gary, had a great presentation on using Write Log, which is the contest logging program that will be used at Field day.
= next month’s program will be on field day prep, on 05 june at the north library by the ‘Yâ€.
respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.
guests at the meeting – 0
call name
regular members present: – 10
call name present
K7AWB Steve Sala web x
K7EKM Kirk Mohror Treas x
K7OX Gary Elliott Pres. x
KW7J Harvey Brown x
N5AR Dan Hearn x
N7ER Earl Ringle x
W3AS Doug Brede x
W7KLL Ken Lindahl x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb Sec. x
WU7X Dale Avery x