June 2008 Minutes

SDXA – 05 june 2008

the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.

secretary’s report by WA0WWW, jay:
minutes for may are on the club’s web page: https://sdxa.org/?p=311
wu7x moved and wa1pma 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.

treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $806.74 (not including Brackemyer Fund)

old business:
= the next hamfest nearby is the one in Post Falls on saturday 14june. see: http://k7id.com/
– Gary will set up the ve7cc dx cluster application and be there to promote the club.
– he would like to have 1 or 2 others come to help. please let him know soon, if you can come.
– we will have a free table, so you can bring some things to sell if you want.

= summer picnic will be at K7AWB and W7PEG’s, on saturday 12july, from 1-5pm. directions will be coming.

= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be 27september at the usual place, University High School.
– lot’s of discussion on the Hamfest as it will be different from before. the focus will be the raffle and swap fest, and not really anything else. there is a meeting next week on it and we are anxious to hear back on how it goes.
– we will continue to hold the seed money until we are comfortable with the plans for the hamfest. it is looking more like we will hold onto the seed money or some of it. earlier it was decided the officers can make the final decision.
– we will be getting a table there at minimum to promote the club and the 2009 NW DX Convention.

= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year, @ the Mirabeau Park, fri to sun, 7-9 august 2009.
– again, the other clubs, e.g. Portland, have asked we not start in earnest until after this year’s convention.
– for all interested to help, please let one of the officers know. effort will start up in earnest right after >>
>> the NW DX Convention this year, which is 01-03 august in Portland. here is the link: http://wvdxc.org/dotnetnuke/DXConvention/tabid/71/Default.aspx. several from our club are going to learn.

= Field Day, 28-29 june,2008 will be coming up quick.
– after some discussion and finding out many of the members will not be available this year for FD, we looked at alternatives. N5AR, Dan, suggested we have it at his home station. Dan mentioned his club in Texas did this and it worked out very well.
– we all agreed and the decision was made, FD this year would be at N5AR’s home location.
– we looked at both 2E and 2D, and felt we could do better with 2D-EWA, knowing we get 0 points for Qs with other ‘D’ stations, but they have the same issue. in the end to not deal with the generators, this will work out fine.
– we will forgo the GOTA station this year and AI7H and K7OX will review what bonus points we are now eligible for.
– friday will still be setup day as we will setup the club’s PCs and radios and figure out the 2 station layout.
– AI7H, Ed, will notify ARRL to get it changed, K7OX, Gary will let W3AS, Doug, know we are changing locations and Steve will announce on the Web.
– we still need operators from 11am local saturday to 11am local sunday, and we will use the club’s call, K7SDX.
– everyone should RSVP directly to N5AR, Dan, if and when they are coming.
– all the spouses are welcomed to come and encouraged actually.
– thanks much Dan!

= tri-fold brochure to promote the club is just about ready.
– Gary we will print up what was approved last month.

new business:

= the valley location for our monthly rotation has moved to the Main Spokane Valley Library near Pines and Sprague.
= the section manager from Wyoming is moving to the area next month.
= a quick vote at the end was made to make AI7H, Ed Stuckey an honorary member, there were several 1st and 2nd motions and it passed easily. welcome Ed.

= next month’s program will be the picnic at K7AWB and W7PEG’s on saturday 12 july, 1-5pm local.
= august’s program will be the video of WRTC in Brazil in 2006. the meeting will be 07aug at the Main Spokane Valley Library.

respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 0
call / name

regular members present: – 12
call name present
AI7H, Ed, Stuckey, x
AC7MV, David, Snyder, x
K7AWB, Steve, Sala, web x
K7EKM, Kirk, Mohror, Treas x
K7OX, Gary, Elliott, Pres. x
K7TQ, Randy, Foltz, VP x
KE7AJ, Barbara, Elliott, x
N5AR, Dan, Hearn, x
W6AEA, George, Tuncil, x
WA0WWW, Jay, Holcomb, Sec. x
WA1PMA, Wayne, Millican, x
WU7X, Dale, Avery, x