March 2007 Minutes
MARCH 1, 2007
Meeting was called to order by Gary, K70X at 7:00 p.m. Lamar, WA7LT, has recently had shoulder surgery and is at meeting, but recuperating.
Program was introduced and presented by Mike Alfonso, N7MCA. He presented an interesting program on the use of Ham Radio while sailing around the country. He had many slides and he had maps and instruments of different sorts that encouraged us to understand what it is he and his wife do and how they have set up their sailing boat for the best use of space as well as radio communication. Very good program and presentation Mike Alfonso’s call sign is N7MCA. He said the “Mango’s†ship-to-shore radio call is WDC7004. First Mate: Wife Gladys–Children- son Tim/Wife Leslie Baby Sofia, daughter Jennifer/Fiancé Jason.
Minutes: Motion to approve the minutes as posted. Approved as published.
Treasurer’s Report: 9 membership dues have been collected for the past month. Deposited money collected for share of sales of equipment from estate sale. We are showing 5-8 members down from membership last year. Dues are still coming in, however.
Next months program will be on Field Day and will be led by Gary K7OX.
The surveys have come in and we have received 31 of the 48 forms that were given out. Lamar will discuss at next meeting.
Old Business: Club purchasing used transceiver’s: After a yes or no discussion of the need for transceiver’s for field day and the availability of the ICOM 761 for $375 (from Ann Kelsey), it was unanimously agreed upon that we should purchase this transceiver now and discuss the need for another later. It will be the property of the club.
New Business:Lamar received a letter from DXpedition requesting donations for Scarbourgh Reef. There was a motion to make a $25.00 donation to Scarbourgh Reef. It was seconded and it was carried.
Announcement: Marjorie Burnette passed away Tuesday, March 6th at 7:00 p. m. There will be a memorial service for her at the First Church of the Nazarene at 9004 N Country Home Boulevard. Motion to present Hospice with a $50.00 memorial in Marjories name. It was seconded and passed.
Jay WA0WWW made a donation of clips and connectors for the SDXA for field day.
Next Meeting will be at the Argonne Library on Upriver Driver. See our web page.
AC7MV David
K6NTZ Linda
K7AWB Steve
K7EKM Kirk
K7OX Gary
K7TQ Randy
KC7QGV Marybeth
KE7AJ Barbara
KE7EVI Harvey
N5AR Dan
N7VQH Chris Coats
W3AS Doug
W6AEA George
W7FCB Rudy
W7PEG Peggy
Guest Nancy Tuncil (no call sign)
Guest Davinia Kopplin (no call sign)
Guest Connor Kopplin (no call sign)
Minutes taken by: Marybeth Snyder,Secretary