February 2008 Minutes
14 february 2008
the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.
secretary’s report by wa0www, jay:
minutes for january are on the club’s web page: https://sdxa.org/?p=288
WU7X, Dale, moved to approve as posted. passed.
treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $1351.39 (inclusive of Brackemyer Fund) + all the dues coming in tonight
old business:
= Brackemyre fund
– President K7OX, Gary, has sent an email to K7EFX, John, thanking him for his generous donation and about the fund that is now set up in his name.
= new membership (task from last meeting)
– wa0www – did check with Mark if the ARRL can notify us when new hams come into the area. the answer is the ARRL is not set up to do this. however, Wilse, WX7P, has been appointed assistant SM to help Mark with a new program working with new hams in the area.
= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention
– initial volunteers: K7OX, K7TQ, W7EKM, WA0WWW, KC7QGV (welcome packets) and WU7X after 01jan09.
– site selection is down to 2 choices and the committee should have a selection by the next meeting.
– Mirabeau Park at I-90 and Sullivan – they do want a deposit and the airport shuttle costs.
– Red Lion down town @ the park – they do not need a deposit and the airport shuttle is free. however the rooms are a little higher than the Mirabeau.
– the specific weekend in August ’09 has not been set yet, it will be one of the first weekends.
new business:
= note, the meeting next month, 06 March, will be at the Main Spokane Valley library, near Pines and Sprague.
= Do you think it is possible to find oil by studying leaves? We don’t mean tea leaves. We found out. It was an excellent program by N5AR, Dan, and the electronics used in oil research was amazing. THANKS Dan! and the pictures were great.
respectfully submitted by wa0www jay holcomb, secretary.
guests at the meeting:
regular members present: – 14
AC7MV……. David Snyder…….x
K7EKM……. Kirk Mohror……. x……treasurer
K7OX……… Gary Elliott……. x……president
K7TQ……… Randy Foltz……. x……vp
KC7QGV…. Marybeth Snyder….x
KE7AJ……. Barbara Elliott…….x
N5AR……. Dan Hearn……. x
N7ER……. Earl Ringle……. x
NE7F……. J im Barnet……. x
W3AS……. Doug Brede……. x
W7KLL….. Ken Lindahl……. x
WA0WWW . Jay Holcomb…….x……secretary
WA1PMA…. Wayne Millican….x
WU7X……. Dale Avery……. x