December —– Annual Awards Banquet with Al Rovner K7AR, guest speaker
wilse helicopter
heli text
Copyright CQ Communications, Inc. Used with permission.
betty on tower
betty on tower 2
betty 3
(Betty photos supplied by Richard K5UJU)

November —– Wilse WX7P presented a video of installing separate antennas using a helicopter and a hot air balloon during the 1980’s; it’s nice to have friends in Alaska; one of his tower climbers was Betty Mallay KL7AP – his YL at the time (SK in 2007)
October —– Lamar WA7LT presented a talk on low band antennas for 40, 80, and 160 meters
September —– Presentation by Jay WS7I on his contesting in the Galapagos
August —– Summary of Field Day; Logbook of the World (LOTA), Part 2 by Gary K7OX; a video by ICOM showing the contest station of Tim K3LR and an introduction to IOTA
July —– Summer Picnic held at Dale’s WU7X on June 30
June —– A final discussion on Field Day by Gary K7OX
May —– A video on the Northern California DX Foundation; an introduction to the
Logbook of the World (LOTA) by Gary K7OX
April —– The upcoming ARRL Field Day was the main program, presented by Gary K7OX; statistics from the last several years were presented by Randy K7TQ
March —– Program was by Mike Alfonso, N7MCA – an interesting program on the use of Ham Radio while sailing around the country in the ship called the Mango; his crew includes First Mate & wife Gladys and other family members
arrl sign
February —– Gary K7OX presented his recent trip to ARRL Headquarters in Newington
January —– PVRC Contesting Seminar video featuring by Bob Cox, K3EST