September 2008 Minutes

Spokane DX Association
K7SDX – Spokane, Washington

SDXA – 04 september 2008

the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.

secretary’s report by WA0WWW, jay:
minutes for august are on the club’s web page:
AC7GP moved and WU7X 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.

treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $105.80 (not including Brackemyer Fund)

old business:

= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year, @ the Mirabeau Park, fri to sun, 7-9 august 2009.
K7AR, Alan’s final report of the Portland convention should be coming out soon. our committee chair meeting has been moved to a saturday in mid-october. let K7OX, Gary, know if you want to come and have a saturday that does not work for you.

= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be on 27september at the usual place, University High School. K7TQ, Randy, has been working on plans for our club that will be helping out at the registration table.

new business:
= we have a new member to the club, WX7B, Chris Pritchard has moved to the Mead area from Wyoming, where he was the section manager. welcome Chris.

= the annual Pacific Northwest VHF Conference will be 03-05 october in Moses Lake. see more details.
the keynote speaker is Joe Taylor, K1JT, Nobel Laureate and “father” of WSJT, Software for VHF Meteor-Scatter Communication. Also speaking will be: Lyle Johnson, KK7P (ex-WA7GXD), co-founder Tucson Amateur Packet Radio, Sean Kutzko, KX9X, ARRL Contest Branch Manager, Eric Schwarz, WA6HHQ, Elecraft and many more.

= WA1PMA, Wayne, reported the K7SDX DX cluster has moved to WA0WWW’s house and is back up and running with the same Telnet address, 7300. the RF cluster on 145.09 is still up and now under K7HRT-1, Pat’s call.

= we need to start to put together the annual december banquet. if you have any suggestions, please send to one of the officers.

= the Salmon Run is just a few weeks away, 20-21 sept. we will sponsor the Low Power Mixed plaque again. now with 3 modes, mixed is defined as a minimum of 10 contacts in 2 or 3 of the 3 modes, CW, SSB and Digital.

= K7EFX, John, sent in some pictures of him flying in a AZ, cool plane.

contest calendar, just a few:
North American Sprint, SSB, 0000Z-0400Z, Sep 14
Washington State Salmon Run, 1600Z, Sep 20 to 2400Z, Sep 21
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY, 0000Z, Sep 27 to 2400Z, Sep 28
North American Sprint, RTTY, 0000Z-0400Z, Oct 12
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB, 0000Z, Oct 25 to 2400Z, Oct 26

= we watched a DVD on the 2007 Scarborough Reef DXpedition BS7H, unbelievable. (thanks Randy!)

= next month’s meeting will be 02 October, 2008 at the Spokane Valley main Library (Sprague & Pines). the program is tbd. ____________________

respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 1
call name
WS7I Jay Townsend

regular members present: – 18
call name present

K7EIQ Merle Trenary x
AC7GP Bob Meenach x
AC7MV David Snyder x
K7AWB Steve Sala web x
K7EKM Kirk Mohror Treas x
K7GS Gary Swartout x
K7HRT Patrick O’Dea x
K7OX Gary Elliott Pres. x
KC7QGV Marybeth Snyder x
KE7AJ Barb Elliott x
KE7KPO Carl Maki x
N5AR Dan Hearn x
N7ER Earl Ringle x
NE7F Jim Barnet x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb Sec. x
WA1PMA Wayne Millican x
WU7X Dale Avery x
WX7P Chris Pritchard x