September 2002 Minutes
Meeting of 9/5/02
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 PM by President Gary Elliott, K7OX. An around-the-room introduction, plus an attendance sign-in list of those present, started the activities. There were 20 attendees, including the 5 visitors, for this lively meeting. Comments were:
• K7OX-F—under the weather, so little ham activity
• AA7RT-F—working on the ARRL digital education course and the ARES emergency course—now has the web site ( up and running
• WA7LT-F—still assembling antennas, rotors, etc.
• AC7MV-A—remodeling ham shack
• KC7QGV-A—remodeling ham shack
• KE7AJ-F—received W7 award for CQ RTTY contest—congratulations Barb!
• W6AEA-F—no DX, only dead bands
• N7KR-A—new member—welcome Mike!—helped with W7UJ’s antennas
• N5AR-F—after lightening strike (FT-1000D, rotor, etc.) now has new FT-1000 Mark V returned for repair—working on 6 element KLM 20 meter beam
• K7EFB-F—needs help with broken rotor (N7KR volunteered)—heard S9 operation
• N7ER-V—now has USACA 2500—congratulations Earl!
• KC7MM-F—really likes TS-850—working DX while mobile and PSK-31 (Hamscope)
• W3AS-F—little new activity
• K7TQ-F—worked A5 on 20 meters while QRP—displayed received W9LT (now WA7LT) QSL—Urged all to get on air for Salmon Run QSP Party
• W7JJL-A—usual summer non-ham activities
• KD7OY-V—Jim has new ham shack downstairs—working on 25G tower and A4 triband beam with 40 meter add on
• K7NR-V—Steve is just coming back on air from 1994 and now working on 20 meters
• KD7RVV-V—Corky is getting up to speed with new license and clothes line antenna
• KD7NVF-V—Ron is preparing for upcoming VHF contest
• K7AWB-F—working on 24 MHz and antennas—preparing for Salmon Run QSO Party
(F = Full Member, A = Associate Member, V = Visitor)
K7OX thanked AA7RT and N7VBW for hosting the August cookout and then made the following announcements:
1. We finally received our ARRL Club affiliation certificate.
2. Gary asked for volunteers to staff our SDXA booth (hour or so each) at the October 12th Spokane Hamfest. (It will be at the new high school, 12420 E 32nd Ave.)
3. He had received a request from NØAX encouraging the club to get the members on the air for the Salmon Run QSO Party. Club activity will be recognized.
Vice President K7TQ, Randy, announced he is working on the following programs for upcoming meetings:
1. Propagation information for DXing
2. DXing notes by a few of the old timers
3. DXpedition presentation
4. Receiver technical specifications
Treasurer AA7RT, Mary, reported a balance of $109.70 in the treasury.
Following the meeting WA7LT gave an enjoyable view graph presentation of the other side of contesting. This resulted in numerous questions from the audience with humorous thoughts and comments.
C. LaMar Ray (WA7LT), Secretary
The club enthusiasm is starting to build. After the meeting most of the attendees stayed around networking about antennas, equipment, computer programs, etc. for about three-quarters of an hour. You may have missed a really good one!