March 2008 Minutes

SDXA – 06 march 2008

the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:00 local time.

secretary’s report by wa0www, jay:

minutes for february are on the club’s web page:
WU7X, moved to approve as posted. motion passed.

treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:

total: $1227.09 (not including Brackemyer Fund) + dues coming in tonight

old business:

= SDXA to host the 2009 NW DX Convention, 54th year
– the site selection committee has chosen the Mirabeau Park at I90 and Sullivan. K7OX, Gary went through many reasons that support this. we do need to pay a $500 deposit when we sign the contract. N7ER, Earl, moved to approve the $500 and W6AEA, George, 2nd’d it. motion passed.
– the date has been set: friday thru sunday, 7-9 august, 2009.
– next is K7OX, Gary, is working on a list of committees that will be needed. we will get people signed up on the committees and their responsibilities in the next couple months.
– the NW DX Convention this year, is 01-03 august in Portland. here is the link: several from our club are going to learn how it all works behind the scenes.

new business:

= our 2007 Salmon Run, Eastern Washington Low Power plague has been delivered to W7WMO, Gene, from Ephrata. here is the link: . the membership approved to sponsor the plague again next year.

= several of the club members will be traveling to Puyallup this weekend for the 27th Electronics show & flea market:

= the annual Spokane Hamfest this year will be 27 september at the usual place, University High School. Betsey has stepped down this year so it is being setup by a new group of folks. the SDXA has not been approached for any seed money yet like we have done in past years. W7BFP, Dick, moved to approve that the SDXA provide up to the normal $400 of seed money if asked. WU7X, Dale, 2nd’d. motion passed.

= Field Day, 28-29 june,2008 will be coming up quick. W3AS, Doug, reported are usual spot and tent are in place. more setup at our next meeting. note: W3AS mentioned the site is ours through 2013.

= VEC testing is going on monthly, the 2nd thursday at 5:00 local. 10april, 08may, 12june. from the ARRL web page:
Sponsor: AA7RT team; Contact: Mary E. Qualtieri 991-2192; SCC, Room I-252, 1810 N. Green St., bldg facing Mission St.
note: the web page info is out of date.

= valley meeting location, we discussed moving the valley meeting location from the library on N. Argonne, to this main Spokane Valley Library, near Pines and Sprague. all in attendance agreed this is a good idea. Gary, will check with the library and be sure all is in order. note, we can only reserve the library rooms 60days in advance, there is no standing reservation.


= K7EKM, Kirk, had a great presentation on tower climbing safely, with some focus on fall prevention systems, and how they are not the same as a positioning tower belt.

= programs coming up include using the VE7CC DX Cluster application and using Writelog, the contesting logger we use at field day.

respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 2

call name
Nancy Tuncil
Pat Mohror (NW DX conv – meeting)

regular members present: – 16
call name present
AC7MV David Snyder x
K7AWB Steve Sala x
K7EKM Kirk Mohror xTreas
K7HRT Patrick O’Dea x
K7OX Gary Elliott xPres.
K7TQ Randy Foltz xVP
KC7QGV Marybeth Snyder x
KE7KPO Carl Maki x
KW7J Harvey Brown x
N7ER Earl Ringle x
W3AS Doug Brede x
W6AEA George Tuncil x
W7BHP Dick Snell x
W7KLL Ken Lindahl x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb xSec.
WU7X Dale Avery x