March 2006 Minutes
MARCH 2, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Steve called the meeting to order.
The program for this evening is preliminary preparation for Field Day 2006
presented by Randy (K7TQ). Field Day will be June 24th and 25th.
Next months meeting will have FT5XO DVD Kerguelen DX-pedition
The dues for 2006 are now due. This is final call.
Members Present this Evening: (24)
Bob, AC7GP
Dave, AC7MV
Steve, K7AWB
Bill, K7EFB
Gary, K7OX
Todd K7PKT
Randy, K7TQ
Marybeth, KC7QGV
Loren, KD7OCT
John, KE7CSF
Rolf, KK7LX
Dan, N5AR
Earl, N7ER
Corky, NQ7V
Doug, W3AS
George, W6AEA
Wayne, WA1PMA
Jay, WS7I
Dale, WU7X
Betsy, WV7Y
Rudy, W7FCB
W7WJK Kermit O Kruse (Visitor) Welcome
Minutes from February meeting were submitted on line. Motion to accept the
minutes as reported (motion/second/carried)
Treasurer’s Report: LaMar presented the treasurer’s report and it was
received as presented. We have $1,257.46.
Dan, N5AR, has posted items on the FOR SALE Page of the web site. He has
descriptions and pictures of items for sale. He will be listing more items
as he goes through his belongings. If anyone else has items they would like
to sell, you may prepare them and send them to Steve. He will see to
posting them.
New pictures are going up on the web page each month and this month is
featuring Dan and his antennas. Take time to go over the web page
( and look things over.
DXCC total are up and on web page. Take a few minutes and check them out.
If there are any corrections, please contact Steve to correct them.
Hamfest plans for this fall are coming along well. The University High
School Radio Club has joined the group. ARRL will be sending a guest for
the event. It is possible that it may be Dave Henderson from the ARRL. They
will be serving a luncheon again (for a price) and there will also be a
coffee/drink and refreshment bar again. They are asking for suggestions for
Seminars. Ward Silver is being invited to present a program as well. Our
very own Loren, KD7OCT is attending the planning meetings and will update us
again next meeting.
There is a motion to submit our $400.00 seed money for the Hamfest (m/s/c)
Note: (m/s/c means motion, second, carried)
Meeting adjourns for the program to begin.
Minutes Submitted by
Marybeth Snyder, KC7QGV