January 2006 Minutes
JANUARY 5, 2006
7:00 P.M.
Officers: Steve Sala, President; LaMar Ray, Treasurer; Dale Avery, Vice President; Marybeth Snyder, Secretary
Steve called the meeting to order and introduced the officers.
The program for this evening will be “Danger! Solar Stormâ€.
The dues for 2006 are now due. LaMar is now accepting dues. The dues are $20.00 per person with an additional $10.00 for a family member.
Members Present this Evening: (21)
Bob, AC7GP
Dave, AC7MV
Steve, K7AWB
Bill, K7EFB
Gary, K7OX
Chris, KB4ZIG
Marybeth, KC7QGV
Loren, KD7OCT
Barbara, KE7AJ
John, KE7CSF
Dan, N5AR
Earl, N7ER
Jim, NE7F
Corky, NQ7V
Doug, W3AS
George, W6AEA
Wayne, WA1PMA
LaMar, WA7LT
Mike, WA9PIE
Dale, WU7X
Treasurer’s Report: Received from LaMar
Money received from the Hamfest was approximately $470.00
Balance in bank is $976.43
There were no minutes from December 2005 meeting as it was the banquet and 16 people attended. It was a really great meal with a really wonderful speaker, Ward Silver, N0AX. There is consideration of moving the banquet closer to Spokane and maybe even moving it to November rather than December.
If you renew your ARRL membership through the SDXA the club receives $2.00 from each renewal. If you join through us as a new member or after a lapse of two years without membership, we get $15.00 from the ARRL for the SDXA.
The new QSL Manager will be George Tuncil. Doug Brede will continue as the contest liason.
We are beginning to look at Field Day. The dates will be June 24th and 25th. Hopefully we will have enough people to set up on June 23rd during the day.
A Google Group has been set up for posting messages and for club use. If you were signed up and did not want to be, please notify Steve Sala and that will be taken care of immediately. THE LOCATION IS:
The Web Page has been revised and is looking good.
Steve is also trying to get all the contest results on the Web Page (involving our members) from the first official SDXA meeting in April, 2002 to the current ratings.
We have pictures in the CQ Calendar of three of our Club Members or events. We are very proud and pleased. Gary and Barbara Elliott are featured in their “ham shack†and Doug Brede and Brandi Hammers are featured at “Field Dayâ€, as well as LaMar Ray being featured at his home with some “big pines and a bigger towerâ€. They are very good pictures and a proud representation of all involved. Calendars are available from CQ Magazine for $12.95 including shipping.
The Hamfest in April is not going to happen this year as the President of that group is having some health issues and the September Hamfest is up in the air, due to issues of insurance. Steve is going to look into insurance for the SDXA to see if that is something we might want to do for all of our
Upcoming Contests:
RTTY Roundup —– January 7th and 8th
VHF Sweepstakes —– January 21st and 22nd
CQ World Wide 160 CW —– January 28th and 29th
Report on B. R. Bear Carson, AC7HI by Bob AC7GP: Most of us know Bear and know that he had a life style change with the amputation of one foot and part of the leg. We all look forward to hearing him back on the air and look forward to his complete recovery.
Meeting adjourns for the program to begin.
Minutes Submitted by
Marybeth Snyder, KC7QGV