September 2006 Minutes
7:00 P.M.
Steve (K7AWB) called the meeting to order.
The presentation this evening is given by Chris Hurlbut, KL9A from Moscow,
ID. His presentation will be on his trip to Brazil with Ward Silver, N0AX
as a WRTC Team (World Radio Sport Team Championship). They took 8th place.
Visitors this evening were Chris Hurlbut, KL9A, Dennis Todaro, WQ7O, and
Carl Maki (no call). We welcomed all members and visitors and thank them
for all their support and participation.
The program was presented by Chris and very well done. It was an outstanding
presentation and everyone enjoyed it very much. When the group was ask if
this type of program would be wanted in the future, there was a very
positive response.
Program for next month (October) will be presented by Gary, K7OX. The
presentation will be on 4 square antennas and a slide show on how to build
one rather than theory.
Hamfest is coming up and we need volunteers to assist with set up on Friday
and Saturday and will need volunteers to operate tables on Saturday. Ward
Silver, N0AX will be there with a class and autographing his books. LaMar,
WA7LT, will be giving a presentation (two part) on How High to Put Your
Antenna. Gary K7OX will there Friday 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. to helps with
set up. Rudy will check with Betsy on Media coveage.
LaMar WA7LT is giving a presentation to the KARS’s group on Antennas
September 11th. Thank you LaMar.
November is elections. Be thinking about who you want for office and who is
willing to serve.
Mary Beth told us that David would be taking minutes in October and November
as she will be SCC taking Financial Teller Classes. She will finish classes
on November 30, 2006.
The Washington State QSO Salmon Run will be the 16th and 17th of September.
Plan on working it.
There will be a RTTY contest on the 22nd and 24th of September as well.
CW Sprint contest will be Saturday, September 9th for 4 hours.
The treasurer’s Report was presented and given by Lamar (WA7LT).
Present this Evening:
Bob (M), AC7GP
Dave, AC7MV
Steve, K7AWB
Gary, K7OX
Randy, K7TQ
Marybeth, KC7QGV
Loren, KD7OCT
John, KE7CSF
Earl, N7ER
Wayne, WA1PMA
LaMar, WA7LT
Dale, WU7X
Rudy, W7FCB
Ken, W7KLL
Bob, W7RJR
WQ7O, Dennis Todaro
KL9, Chris Hurlbut
Carl Maki
Dennis Todaro, WQ7O became a new member this evening. Welcome Dennis!
The meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Beth Snyder, KC7QGV