Monday, September 25th, 2006

At the recent October 5, 2006 meeting:

Gary K7OX presented his 40 meter 4-square antenna array. Nestled in the pine trees in his back yard, it took a lot of work to lay down the radials.

oct meeting gary k7ox

Gary was first licensed in 1953 at 13 in Phoenix, AZ as WN7UXP. Upgraded to Conditional 9 months latter as W7UXP. For the first 4 years worked exclusively CW with a homebrew transmitter which was a 6AG7 – 807 built on one of my Mothers Pie tins and a BC-348 military surplus receiver. Upgraded to Extra in Honolulu Hawaii in 1961. In addition to W7UXP have held various calls and operated from many DX locations. Some of the calls held where:

CN8FH – VQ4EER – KM6CB (Midway Isl) – KH6ECD (Kure Isl) – KH6HCM – DU1ZAB – K4IRQ – W7MRS – W7OX –

In the spring of 1975 obtained my present call of K7OX.

Became interested in Contesting in 1959 and the ARRL DX CW contest was my first venture and haven’t look back since. I have been a active contester and DXer for 47 years. Active on all HF bands 160-10 and hold :

DXCC Honor Roll
WAZ ( AM Phone )

Published in CQ – QST – and 73 Magazines – Enjoy building HF amplifiers and Antennas. Share hamming with my wife Barbara KE7AJ.

gary k7ox 4 sw