October 2005 minutes

Minutes of Oct. 06 2005 Meeting

The meeting was called to order at 7 PM by Vice-President Steve Sala K7AWB at the North Spokane County Library at E.44 Hawthorne St. There were 11 members present.

*AC7GP-A-Bob closed up his Loon Lake place for the season. He sent out 80 QSL’s recently and checking his log he found he has moved up from 44 to 58 Countries. He also decided to work on WAS, he’s got 10 at this point. Good show, Bob!

*N7ER-F-Earl hasn’t been hearing any DX on the bands (mostly listening on 20M).

Better Luck next month Earl when propagation should be better.

*WU7X-F-Dale has been having fun lately with the Hamfest, where he bought 3 Gap Voyager Vertical antennas for 20 thru 160m. He plans to give one to a Chuck Smith along with aTS-520 he acquired, to help get Chuck, who has been inactive for several years, get back on the air.

Dale and George W6AEA have been working together to get on the air with RTTY.

Dale made contacts with Reunion (S.A.) (FR1HC & EY888) as well as Central Europe,

Usually between about 10 to 12 AM with about 80 watts or less, and logged 3or 4 new countries working Western Europe and W. Africa. Good Going, Dale and George!

*W7FCB-F-Rudy said 20m has been dead the last week or two, due to a Big Black Hole in the Sun (CME?). He’s spent most of his time on NW Country Cousins on 75m.

*W6AEA-F-George got his RTTY working on his I-706, but has had some software problems with his Ten-Tec Omni, then the processor went Galley West and he had to send it away for repair. George also picked up a used FT-1000 D from Burghardt. Good Catch, George!

George also gave us an update on Bear Carson AC7HI. Bear has been in the VA Hospital for some time with a serious Leg infection and has been told he has some deteriorating foot bones and needed to be taken to Seattle for further treatment and was transferred there today. The good news is that Bear was able to work K7C Kure I. while he was home. Our Thoughts, Prayers and Best Wishes are with you Bear, and we hope you get well soon!!

*K7OX-F-Gary has been busy with antennas and other projects but did work Kure I. on 160m about 2AM one morning and also worked them on other bands. He commented how loud they were. He said they were using a “Bazooka” ant. on the beach on 160. Gary also had his I-756 Pro radio worked on by Scott Malcom W7NKS who also installed a 130v, 2a, switching relay which will switch probably any Amp. Gary also mentioned that “Tophat” ( the engraver at the Hamfests is now doing our I.D. Badges ($8.00 + $ 1.00 postage for 1 to 3 badges).

*WA1PMA-F-Wayne worked Kure K7C on several bands and was impressed with the “real-time” DXA internet display as were the rest of us.

*WA7LT-F-Lamar, along with some folks from the Hamfest including some of the ARRL visitors and some other help got 5 holes dug and the concrete poured for his new 100 ft. plus tower which will be up in the spring and will be primarily for 80m. Lamar and Donna took the guests from ARRL to Dinner at the Golden Corral Saturday Night and then they went back to Lamar and Donna’s house for a tour.
Sunday Lamar and Donna took Norm N1NZ (from ARRL HQ.) on a grand tour of Steptoe Butte and the Spokane Area since his plane didn’t leave ‘til evening.

*N5AR-F-Dan related a very interesting story regarding the erecting of his 120 ft ant. tower and all the help he received from various neighbors with their equipment and skills. Incidentally, he mentioned that the hole for the tower was 6’x6’x15’. That’s a lotta concrete, and may be a record size hole, and certainly some good engineering on Dan’s part.

*KD7OCT-A-Loren recounted his experience working Kure I., K7C on 20m and 17m recently on their last day of operation. He mentioned how one sterling soul kept continually announcing the wrong calling frequency for K7C, who can guess why. He also mentioned how it was very interesting to work them and then to shortly see your call sign show up on their DXA internet map in the correct map location. Loren mentioned a 12 month contest calender whose web address is at the end of these Minutes.

*K7AWB-F-Steve attended the very interesting Pacific NW VHF Convention at Seaside, Ore. On Sept. 30 to Oct 02. This is an annual roving convention which attracts serious VHF operators, and will be in Seattle next year. Gene W3ZZ of QST VHF fame spoke on Propagation Modes. A Canadian who is heavy into SHF spoke on 10 GHZ. Ops. Steve worked K7C on 4 different bands and 7 different modes. He also mentioned he now has 325 confirmed grids on 6m (there are 3000 in the world). He said K1TSL has the US record at about 1000 grids.

Bank Account Oct. 01, 2005 $ 118.19
Cash on Hand $ 91.34
Total $ 209.53

The SDXA Christmas Party will be held Dec 01, 2005, tentatively at the Harvester Inn, in Spangle. (It’s a few miles farther to drive for most of us, but its an excellent facility for our purpose, the food is great, and it’s reasonably priced.)

Nomination and Election of Club Officers for 2006 will take place at the Nov. 03 meeting

Lamar WA7LT presented an excellent discussion on lightning protection based on his Electrical Engineering expertise and many years of experience, particularly “ Back East” in what they call “Lightning Alley”.He provided an excellent handout on lightning protection for the Ham Station and Home including excellent diagrams. Lamar also presented an excellent video from Potomac Valley Radio Club on the subject


*The next SDXA Meeting is Nov. 03 at the Valley Library-Argonne and Upriver Dr.

*CQ WW DX Contest, CW – Nov. 26-27.

*For a very complete contest list go to: www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/ or see the Nov. 2005 CQ Mag. Page 100 for other sites.

*Please visit the Spokane DX Assoc. website at www.sdxa.org for lots of info & links.

*SDXA Christmas Party December 01, 2005.

73 and Happy DXing

Loren , KD7OCT Secretary
Spokane DX Association
[email protected]