October 2008 Minutes

Spokane DX Association
K7SDX – Spokane, Washington

SDXA – 02 october 2008
the meeting was called to order by President K7OX, Gary, at 19:05 local time.

secretary’s report by WA0WWW, jay:
minutes for september are on the club’s web page: https://sdxa.org/?p=337
WA1PMA moved and AC7GP 2nd’d to approve as posted. motion passed.

treasurer’s report by K7EKM, Kirk:
total: $_Kirk was not available__ (not including Brackemyer Fund)

old business:
= the annual Spokane Hamfest was a great success and over 500 were in attendance. thanks to all from the SDXA who came to help and man the registration table. it went very smooth. initial reports showed a nice profit and SDXA will get its share of the profits soon.

= SDXA to host the 54th 2009 Pacific NW DX Convention, @ the Mirabeau Park, 7-9 august 2009.
our initial organization meeting had been set for saturday morning 11 october at K7OX’s qth. contact one of the officers if you have some input for the convention. initial plans are to have a registration form and basic information on our web site by the end of the month, along with the countdown clock that is there now (thanks Steve!). a full report will be discussed at the november club meeting.

= promotional flyers for the PNW DX convention are available for anyone to take to other amateur club meetings, etc. you can get them K7OX or WA0WWW.

= the annual Pacific Northwest VHF Conference was in Moses Lake. see www.pnwvhfs.org for more details. K7AWB, Steve, is planning on being there.

= the annual december banquet planning is continuing. finding a place has been challenging. the Holiday Inn at the airport is a possibility. discussion at the meeting was suggesting going back to Perkins like last year. it was tight, but the food was good, Perkins did a nice job and the price was great. watch for more info on the banquet coming. we are trying for the usual night which is 04 december.

= the Salmon Run had a few SDXA’rs. and there is an excellent chance our sponsored plaque, low power mixed, is coming back to the club. WX7P, had over a 1000 Qs. Thanks Wilse!

new business:
= elections next month. please let any of the club officers know if your interested in running or would like to make a nomination.

= we had a quest tonight, W0CG (PJ2T) Geoff Howard. we all know of PJ2T. Geoff is moving to C d’A, though will still be spending most of year (i assume the contest season) down south. hopefully we all will get a few points from him this year.

DX coming up:– not much of note, a little on Glorioso, islands SE of Africa in the Indian Ocean
“No date is fixed to date, but I’m doing all my best to lead Gloriosos 2008 before the end of this year.”
Didier Senmartin, F5OGL http://www.southgatearc.org/news/august2008/glorioso.htm
what will be the prefix? the web shows: FR——/G Glorioso Is

contest calendar, just a few:
North American Sprint, RTTY, 0000Z-0400Z, Oct 12 (5-9pm local)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB, 0000Z, Oct 25 to 2400Z, Oct 26 (5pm- 5pm local)

ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, CW, 2100Z, Nov 1 to 0300Z, Nov 3 (2pm sat – 7pm sun local)
ARRL Sweepstakes Contest, SSB, 2100Z, Nov 15 to 0300Z, Nov 17 (1pm sat – 7pm sun local)
CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW, 0000Z, Nov 29 to 2400Z, Nov 30 (4pm – 4pm local)

= we watched a DVD of the 2008 J5C Guinea Bissau operation. Guinea Bissau is a small country in western Africa. (thanks Randy, again!)

= next month’s meeting will be 06 november, 2008 at the North Spokane Library (at the 2 & 395 Y). the program may be WX7P’s 4-square, tbd.

respectfully submitted by wa0www, jay holcomb, secretary.

guests at the meeting – 1
call nameW0CG / PJ2T Geoff Howard (C d’A / Curacao)

regular members present: – 7
call name present
AC7GP Bob Meenach x
K7HRT Patrick O’Dea x
K7OX Gary Elliott Pres x
K7TQ Randy Foltz VP x
W3AS Doug Brede x
WA0WWW Jay Holcomb Sec x
WA1PMA Wayne Millican x