Jim was first licensed in 1959 as KN9TZH (nearly 60 years ago!). He achieved his first DXCC in 1962 as K9TZH – age 16. As an US Army Officer (Signal Corps), he was stationed in Germany and was assigned DL5JF. There, he commanded Company C of Signal Group 360 while still a 1st Lieutenant. After being discharged in Europe, Jim traveled around Europe for 5 months and met Martti Laine OH2BH in Helsinki. This meeting resulted in a nearly 5 decade friendship which culminated in an invitation to join Martti and an International Team in the first activation of Kosovo as a DXCC entity in January 2018.
Jim is an active DX’er with 369 entities worked/confirmed (#1 Honor Roll). In addition, he has WAZ on 7 bands with only one additional Zone needed on 12 meters and four zones on 160 meters.
Before and after his military, he was awarded degrees from Anderson University (BA), Indiana University (MBA), and Portland State University (Accounting Certificate).
He was an ARRL Director and Vice President for nearly eighteen years. Jim is a retired CPA, specializing in Management and Cost Accounting in Manufacturing entities.
Jim and his XYL Shirley W7SAF have been married 46 years and have 2 sons: Dr. Matt and Andy. Matt is a Physical Therapist working for a subsidiary of the St. Luke’s Hospital system in Spokane Valley. Andy KF7ZMM, is Marketing Manager for a Pacific NW region of Harley Davidson.
Jim and Shirley are looking forward to moving into their new home (part-time) in Liberty Lake.