An Amazing Source of Antenna Information – by Dan, N5AR

For many years L.B.Cebik, W4RNL (SK) maintained a web page showing the results of his antenna modeling and experiments with antennas. He was a professor at a southeastern university who spent many thousands of hours investigating almost every conceivable type, primarily by the use of the various modeling programs. He was probably the most knowledgeable person in the USA on the different modeling programs and found many of the little quirks in them which could cause errors.

When he retired he continued the research, wrote a number of books, and developed a relationship with Antennex as technical editor. His books are used by the ARRL for their course in antenna modeling.

When LB died in April, 2008 the owner of Antennex became the owner of all of Cebiks work. We found we could no longer access Cebiks web page. This caused quite an uproar in the ham community so the Antennex owner reneged and now will give a password to anyone who wishes one and we once again can access LB’s work. You can arrange this by going to . There is no cost and it is good for 1 year.

added 02/18/2013: “This is no longer the case. Now you must pay Antennex $49.95 for a copy of Cebiks work.

One of the things he did was to model the effect of coax outside shield radiation on the vertical and horizontal patterns of yagis for different coax lengths and grounding conditions. This is a topic that I am particularly interested in.

Whatever your interest may be, Yagis, Quads, Moxons, Curtain Arrays, Inverted L’s, even balanced and unbalanced tuners , he has information on all.
Try it out!

73, Dan, N5AR