Archive for April, 2023

Tower & Antenna Repair for KI7DG

Thursday, April 27th, 2023

On April 27th we had a great work crew go over to Chuck’s KI7DG in Okanagan to work on his tower and antennas.

From left to right: Chuck KI7DG, Mel N7GCO, Joe KF7PBM, Mike K7STO, Bob N7AU, Scott N7SJM, Woody N7HCJ, Gary AD7XG, Diane KB7JPZ and Carol (Chuck’s XYL).

They were able to repair Chuck’s 160-meter inverted V, replace a VHF/UHF antenna, repair a multiband vertical, remove an unwanted mast, fix or replace some guy lines, and begin replacing the motor in his crank-up tower. The tower motor needed the switching system replaced and Mike K7STO and Woody N7HCJ took it home to build a new switch.

A huge thank you to all who gave the day to help get Chuck back on the air.

International DX Convention Visalia, CA

Saturday, April 22nd, 2023

Here are the three amigos (Bob N7AU, Mike K7STO and Woody N7HCJ) with John Mertel at his SteppIR booth.

Also at the 2023 convention from the SDXA are Rob N7QT, Robbin WA7CPA, and Art K6XT.
I heard Rob’s “DXing with FT8” presentation was fantastic! He also did a presentation on “T88WA DXpedition To Palau”

10,000-foot view of the SFI A & K Indexes Workshop Handout

Randy K7TQ presented a short overview of the SFI, A, & K  Indexes and how they impact propagation.

Here is the link to the handout from the workshop:



SDXA April Connection Dinner

Thursday, April 6th, 2023

We had a wonderful connection dinner at the Longhorn BBQ on April 6, 2023. There were 35 in attendance. Here are some photos from the evening.

Enjoying the meal.

Jeff & Peter showing their Power Boxes

PJ2T reports from Jay AC7DC & Gary AD7XG

Juaquetta Holcomb showing wool spinning

Diane Morissette sharing about Master Gardener & Garden Coaching

Also had interviews with David N7LL & Bob K7TM


Congratulations to Henry W7HTA

Tuesday, April 4th, 2023

Henry W7HTA just received his WAS for digital and mixed. Congratulations Henry.

CQ WPX SSB Contest at PJ2T

Sunday, April 2nd, 2023

It was great to have three members of the Spokane DX Assocaition at PJ2T for the CQ WPX SSB contest: Gary AD7XG, Robin WA7CPA and Jay AC7DC.
What a great experience to be at a contest station for a major contest.
The PJ2T Antenna Farm
The PJ2T Shack
While there they were able to meet with the President of the Swiss Amsat Society, HB9WDF who was working a 10 minutes satelite pass

Thanks to Geoff PJ2DX for making this happen!