Here is the typical preamble that is used at the beginning of the net:
QST. QST, QST … this is (Your Call)
calling the Spokane DX Association Amateur Radio DX Net that meets every
third Wednesday at 1900 hours local on 145.250 MHz, the N7BFS repeater. The
purpose of this net is to share DX information among SDXA Members.
Stations with any emergency traffic may break in at any time; visiting
stations are invited to check in after the call for SDXA Members.
Ask everyone to check in by Areas. Share DX Information with SDXA Members. Ask for late check-ins and Visiting Stations. Close net at whatever local time is and Thank Doug Cole (N7BFS) for the
permission to use the 145.25 repeater.
Send the list of the names and calls of all check-ins to the SDXA Webmaster, for publishing on the site.