Archive for September, 2024

Welcome to the Spokane DX Association  

Serving Eastern Washington and North Idaho

October 3rd at Harvester Restaurant

Annual Award Dinner

Harvester Restaurant
410 W. 1st
Spangle, WA 99031

6:00 PM        Social hour (order drinks from the bar)
7:00 PM        Dinner served.
7:45 PM        Awards program

Signup for the Awards Dinner

The signup form for the meal selection is now closed.

November 7 (Hybrid Meeting at Shadle Park Library and zoom)

Clipperton DXpedition with Rob Fanfant N7QT

Rob will be sharing about the early 2024 DXpedition to Clipperton Island TX5S. The SDXA was a sponsor of this DXpedition. The NCDXF awarded this DXpedition their DXcellence of the year award.

December 5th on Zoom

Ham Radio DXing with Lucas Ford W6AER


January 4, 2025 on Zoom

WSJT-X: A Look into new developments with Brian Moran N9ADG



March 6, 2025 on Zoom

POTA: Exciting Way to Get on the Air with Ara Kourchians – N6ARA

Ara is an active POTA/SOTA operator. He has also developed a number of great products to be use in POTA/SOTA.






April 3, 2025 (Hybrid Meeting at Shadle Park Library and zoom)

Mobile QSO Parties with Randy Foltz K7TQ

Randy is a prolific mobile QSO party activator: Salmon Run, Idaho QSO Party, 7th Area QSO Party and Kansas QSO Party. Learn how to participate in QSO parties mobile.






ALL DXpedition funding requests are to be to the SDXA President. Since funding is limited, in this manner, our SDXA Officers can give your request the consideration it deserves.


For additional info, try this SOLAR LINK for everything you ever wanted to know about the current Sun at the SolarHam site by VE3EN
Link to SPACEWEATHER.COM, a quick source for the daily activity on the sun
What is this?

The Miscellaneous Area



  • every wednesday 80 Meter Net on 3840 kHz at 08:00 PT
  • every tuesday   160 Meter Net on 1855 kHz at 20:00 PT
  • every sunday    6 Meter Net on 50.140 MHz at 20:00 PT
  • 03 October ‘24   SDXA annual Awards Banquet tbd
  • 07 November ‘24  SDXA Program & meeting Hybrid @ Shadle Library and on zoom 7:00 PM local
  • 05 December ‘24  SDXA Program & meeting on Zoom 7:00 PM local


  • contests of interest:
    a) Pacific NW Challenge Trophy contests:
    + CQ Worldwide DX Contest, RTTY #1  0000Z, Sep 28 to 2400Z, Sep 29
    + CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB #2    0000Z, Oct 26 to 2359Z, Oct 27
    + CQ Worldwide DX Contest, CW #3    0000Z, Nov 23 to 2400Z, Nov 24
    + ARRL RTTY Roundup #4                     1800Z, Jan 4 to 2400Z, Jan 5
    + CQ WW RTTY WPX Contest #5          0000Z, Feb 8 to 2400Z, Feb 9
    + ARRL Inter. DX Contest, CW #6        0000Z, Feb 15 to 2400Z, Feb 16
    + ARRL Inter. DX Contest, SSB #7       0000Z, Mar 1 to 2400Z, Mar 2
    + CQ WW WPX Contest, SSB #8          0000Z, Mar 29 to 2400Z, Mar 30
    + CQ WW WPX Contest, CW #9           0000Z, May 24 to 2400Z, May 25
    + IARU HF World Championship #10 1200Z, Jul 12 to 1200Z, Jul 13
  • b) other contests for internal SDXA incentives:
    + ARRL Inter. Digital Contest               1800Z, Jun 7 to 2400Z, Jun 8
    + World Wide Digi DX Contest             1200Z, Aug 30 to 1200Z, Aug 31
  • c) other contests for internal SDXA interest
    + Idaho QSO Party                                  1900Z, Mar 8 to 1900Z, Mar 9
    + 7th Call Area QSO Party                      1300Z, May 3 to 0700Z, May 4
    + ARRL Field Day                                    1800z, Jun 28 to 2100z, Jun 29
    + Washington State Salmon Run         1600Z, Sep 20 to 0700Z, Sep 21 and
    1600Z-2400Z, Sep 21


Regular dues – $20 per person.
Second family member – $10.
Under 19 years of age are free.
We accept PayPal too.


    Lynn N7CFO keeps the best listing.
    More Information

Gary Bytnar AD7XG






    There are a lot of links to contesting activities in the DX/Contesting drop down menu above the 24-hour clock on the right of this page. But here are a couple of the best.
    1. WA7BNM


    How do you pronounce a DX entity’s name? Here is a link to the pronouncing. There is also a audio link to a human voice saying the entity’s name correctly. This authority is the 3rd edition Merriam Webster Geographical Dictionary. Covering only legitimate countries, it does not cover non-country ARRL entities.
    More Information


2024 Awards Dinner Selection completed!

You have successfully completed your meal selection for the 2024 Awards Dinner. If you want to return to the main SDXA page:

Click Here

September 2024 SDXA Minutes

here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2024_09web

Sidebar – Next Meeting

October 3, 2024  at the Harvester Restaurant — 6:00 PM Social Time; 7:00 PM Dinner; 7:45 PM Program



October 3rd at Harvester Restaurant

Annual Award Dinner

Harvester Restaurant
410 W. 1st
Spangle, WA 99031

6:00 PM        Social hour (order drinks from the bar)
7:00 PM        Dinner served.
7:45 PM        Awards program

2024 SDXA Programs

  • January –“Operating Techniques: Tips & Tricks, and KL9A Station updates” with Chris Hurlbut KL9A 
  • February — H44WA Solomon Islands DXpedition” with Robin Amunbson WA7CPA
  • March — Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, Low Band Receive Antennas
  • April — H4ØWA  Temotu DXpedition with Jay Lopes AC7DC
  • May – Station Design and How it Works for Contesting and DXing with Craig Thompson K9CT
  • June – End-Fed Half-Wave by Steve Dick K1RF
  • July – Contest Operating at PJ2T – Three SDXAers share their experiences
  • August – SDXA Picnic
  • September – Next Level Contesting; Making the Move to SO2R – K5ZD

 2023 SDXA Programs

  • January — DXpedition to Palau (T88WA) With Rob Fanfant N7QT (Zoom)
    • The team includes N7QT Rob, WA7CPA Robin, N7JP Jack, N9ADG Brian and K5EM Justin. Rob and Robin are both also members of the SDXA.
  • February — Three mini-presentations (Zoom)
    • 1-How to improve weak signal FT8 Reception with Rob Fanfant N7QT
      2-Silent Key Estate Planning with Mel Ming N7GCO
      3-Reflections on CW Ops with Dale AveryWU7X
  • March – Field Day 6A – Mike & Key Style with Michael Dinkelman (Z00m)
  • April — SDXA Connection Dinner
  • May — Practical Hints and Tools and Field Day Planning (Hybrid)
    • 1. Practical Hints with Mike Buettner K7STO
      2. Field Day Planning with the Idaho Renegades
      3. World Team Radio Championship Incentive with Randy K7TQ
  • June — YJ0A Dxpedition with Al K7AR & Bob W7YAQ
  • July – Picnic
  • August – World Radio Team Championship & IARU Report with Geoff PJ2DX
  • September – Improving your  Audio with Mike Daskalopoulos KJ6MIC
  • October — Awards Dinner
  • November – Officers Elections (planned program didn’t happen)
  • December – Base Station Automation Techniques & Recommendations, with Bob Wilson N6TV

2022 SDXA Programs

  • January — “Hot DX from Baker Island” with John Miller K6MM
  • February — Everything You Need to Know About USB and Serial Interfaces with Bob Wilson N6TV
  • March — “Planning Your First DXpedition” with Al Rovner K7AR
  • April — “Rebuilding Your Ham Shack after a Fire” with Dave Ellison W7UUU
  • May — Four Antenna Related Products/Recommendations by Mel Ming N7GCO & Del Morissette WA7AQH
  • June — Receive Antennas by Mark Bauman KB7GF
  • July — PNW DX Convention Preparation with Randy K7TQ & Mel N7GCO and
  • DX Spotting Tool by Mel N7GCO
  • August – PNW DX Convention
  • September — Activating entities in the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM) By Don Greenbaum N1DG
  • October — Insights from the Idaho Renegades with Bob K7TM, Jim N7ESU & Pat N7UVH
  • November — “Station Grounding” with Grant Saviers KZ1W
  • December – Awards Program

2019 SDXA Programs


  • January — “Station Audio” with Del Morissette WA7AQH
  • February – “Antenna Modeling Orientation” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • March 2019 — “Operation Salmon Run in the Field” with Mike Buettner K7STO & Woody Jacobson N7HCJ
  • April 2019 — Home Brewing and Station Accessories
    • Gary Swartout (K7GS) Shared a number of his wonderful home Brewed equipment
    • Bob Lee (N7AU) Showed his designed and built Crank up Tower Pushing Tool
    • David Wilhelm (WA7TNT) Showed how to add the SDXA Logo to Your QRZ Page
    • Mel Ming (N7GCO) Showed a couple of Voice Keyers, Card to control your Rotators and PSTRotatorAZ, a  Rotator Control Program
  • April 2019 Saturday Workshop – “Antenna Modeling: EZNEC” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • May 2019 — Show and Tell
    • John Gager (K7KB) showed a “Serial rotor control box”
    • Mike Buettner (K7STO) showed his “NON-Tennis Ball Antenna Launcher”
    • Harold Hepner (AD7QJ) showed his “Tennis Ball Antenna Launcher”
    • Bob Hallock (K7TM) showed his “Antenna Launcher #3”
    • David Wilhelm (WA7TNT) showed his “Icom AH-4 Modification”
    • Mel Ming (N7GCO) showed an introduction to FT4
  • June — “ARRL Sweepstakes from the Pacific Northwest” with Brian Moran N9ADG
  • July– “Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition VP6D” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • August – SDXA Summer Picnic
  • September — “Using  and SDR To Identify Noise In The Shack” and “Behind the Curtain: Inside the ARRL Boardroom” with Mike Ritz W7VO
  • October – Hints for DXing with Bob Hallock K7TM
  • November — “Maximizing LoTW” with Bart Jahnke W9JJ
  • December – SDXA Awards Dinner

2018 SDXA Programs

  • .
    January – “low band transmitting antennas 40-80-160 using EZNEC” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • February – “Mellish Reef DXpedition” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • March – “Tools for DXing” with Mel Ming N7GCO
  • April – “First Time DXpedition Experience” with Bengt-Erik Norum K7ADD
  • May – “80 & 160 meter four square receive antennas” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • Station Tour – Chris WX7B
  • June – J5T DXpedition to Guinea Bissau in Africa.
  • July – “Using FT8” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • August – Summer Picnic at Shadle Park
  • September – “RTTY Contesting” with Randy Foltz K7TQ
  • October – “PJ2T station’s big anniversary” with Geoff Howard W0CG
  • November – “Contesting” with Chris Hurlbut KL9A
  • WRTC 2014 Gold Medalists N6MJ, KL9A
  • December – Awards Dinner and Jim Fenstermaker K9JF  on ham radio in Kosovo