Members in good standing are listed with call letters and first names. Silent Key members are also shown as a separate list below (and there is a separate section for our Silent Keys, under The Association on the right side of the Home page). Honorary members are listed separately too. To view members’ pages on, click on their calls; some silent keys no longer have a site.
Members are reminded that allows each licensed ham to have a full page of text and pictures to show off their antennas, station, dog, whatever and to describe their journey into ham radio, their station equipment, their bibliography, etc. Members are encouraged to use as a personal web page. Digital photos are uploaded there as files.
(List updated by K7KB on Mar 24th, 2025)
All members shown below are in good standing for this year. Those who are paid up for extended years are shown in parenthesis.
AA7TQ Gordon (2025)
AC7DC Jay (2025)
AC7GL Rod (2025)
AD7FO Jack
AD7QJ Harold (2025, 2026)
AD7XG Gary (2025)
AD7XG-xyl Svetlana (2025)
AF7WH Dale (2025)
AG7IG Mike (2025)
AG7QP Frank (2025)
AI7CR Josh (2025)
AI7DJ Dean (Good until May 2025)
K0NG Peter (2025)
K2GEP Greg (2025)
K7AWB Steve (2025)
K7EIQ Merle (Good Until May 2025)
K7GS Gary (2025)
K7HPT Mark
K7KB John (2025, 2026)
K7NT Mike (2025)
K7PHM Rick (2025)
K7STO Mike (2025, 2026, 2027)
K7SYS John (2025)
K7TM Bob (2025, 2026, 2027)
K7TQ Randy (2025)
K9JF Jim (2025)
KB7BEK Catherine (2025)
KB7HDX Mark (2025, 2026)
KC7TTM Cleo (2025)
KC7UG Tom (2025)
KD7GHZ Mike (2025)
KF7PBM Joe (2025)
KJ6MIC Mike (2025)
KJ7IEA Peter (2025)
KK7BYD Brian (2025)
KK9HAM Albin (2025)
KK7ONR Mateo
N7AU Bob (2025)
N7CXI Jim (2025)
N7ESU Jim (2025)
N7GCO Mel (2025)
N7HCJ Woody (2025)
N7ID Mike
N7JP Jack (2025)
N7KR Mike (2025)
N7KSC Ken (2025)
N7LL David (2025, 2026)
N7MGW Mike (2025)
N7QT Rob (2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029)
N7UVH Pat (2025, 2026)
N7VPI Chris (Good until April 2025)
NZ2S Jeff (2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029) – The KING!!
W0CG/PJ2DX Geoff (2025, 2026)
W7BJN Brian (2025)
W7BKS Brandon (2025, 2026)
W7BVN Ron (2025)
W7DCT David (2025)
W7DRN Anita (2025)
W7GSV Robert (2025, 2026)
W7GTF Ron (2025)
W7HTA Henry
W7MEM Mark (2025)
W7PEG Peggy (2025)
W7RJR Bob (2025)
W7SCD Scott (2025)
W7SX Bob (2025)
W8QR Moe
W8TJM Toivo (2025)
WA0WWW Jay (2025, 2026, 2027)
WA6NDR Rick (2025, 2026)
WA7AQH Del (2025, 2026)
WA7CPA Robin (2025)
WA7F David (2025, 2026)
WA7TNT David (2025)
WS7I Jay (2025)
WU7X Dale (2025, 2026, 2027, 2028)
WW5A Ken (2025, 2026)
WX7DX Karl (2025)
JA3CZY Elvin
K7EFX John
NE7F Jim
WA1PMA Wayne
W6AEA George
WX7B Chris
SILENT KEY LISTING – former members of the SDXA
K6XT Art……..silent key
AC7GP Bob……..silent key
K7EFB Bill……….silent key
K7OX Gary………silent key
KD7OCT Loren…..silent key
KI7DG Chuck……silent key
KS7C Don………silent key
N5AR Dan………..silent key
N7ER Earl………..silent key
W7BUD Bud……..silent key
W7CD John……..silent key
W7OW Pete………silent key
W7YEM Warren…..silent key
WA7LT Lamar…..silent key
WW7DD Jim…..silent key
WX7P Wilse………silent key
KE7KPO Carl………silent key
WX7P Janet……..silent key
NOTE: although I try to make sure everyone that is a paid member gets on our club membership list,
there is a chance I may miss someone. Please let me know at [email protected] if I have missed your name for the list and I’ll get it added ASAP.