Saturday, September 17th, 2016
The crew
Randy W7TJ points to a flying antenna
The owner of WA7LT Lamar Ray, one of the original founders of the SDXA and long time DXer
It was an all day event on Tuesday, July 26 at Lamar’s QTH located South of the city. The project consisted of three towers (two Rohn 25 and one Rohn 45) and lots of antennas.
Everything including the inside station equipment is for sale as Lamar retires to an assisted living QTH in Spokane Valley. Jim Fenstermaker K9JF is handing the sale and should be contacted if you are interested in any of the items. Reach him at [email protected]
This tower came down as one piece using the 120 foot crane.
Tower climber Jeremiah Puhek KD7DMP, owner and engineer of JP Telecomm
He spoke at a recent SDXA meeting and welcomes solicitations from hams that need a professional climber to complete their antenna/ tower installations or removals. He can be reached at [email protected]
Attention ground crew: stand by. . . !
This is NOT a case of one person screwing in the light bulb and the rest holding the ladder! It’s a case of the mast preventing the antenna from reaching the ground.
Jim Fenstermaker K9JF and Lamar Ray WA7LT in 2012 at a convention