

December —–Annual Awards Banquet with Jim Fenstermaker K9JF in the Spokane Valley at Shari’s
November —–Contesting software, a PVRC video
October —–Gary K7OX described his 40-meter 4-square antenna array
September —– Chris KL9A presentation on 2006 WRTC in Brazil
August —– Field Day report by Randy K7TQ; 5 Dxpeditions of the year video (1993-2000) by Bob Allphin K4UEE
July —– Summer Picnic at Dale’s WU7X
June —–How high should your antenna be? – Part 2 of 2 by Lamar WA7LT
May —– How high should your antenna be? – Part 1 of 2 by Lamar WA7LT and a PVRC video on the same subject
April —- Dxpedition video: FT5XO Kerguelen
March —– Past Field Day results by Randy K7TQ
February —– The upcoming 3Y0X Peter 1 Island DXpedition video
January —– “Danger! Solar Storm” video on the influence of the Sun on the Earth.


December—–Annual Awards Banquet in Spangle with Ward Silver N0AX – Kure Isl.
November—–Shunt feeding a tower for 40, 80, and 160 meters by Dan N5AR
October—–PVRC video- Lightning Protection, moderated by Lamar WA7LT
September—–Field Day Summary by Randy K7TQ
August—–PVRC video – Tower Installation
July—–Summer Picnic at Dale’s WU7X
June—–Banaba Dxpedition T33C video; photos of Dayton Hamvention; the Jay Leno Show battle between text messaging and cw
May—–Field Day Efforts over the past 2 years by Doug W3AS
April—–Installation of his tower and SteppIR beam by Dale WU7X
March—– Ten-Tec video: intro to company and details on the Orion Transceiver
February—– Intro to 6-meters with emphasis on Meteor Scatter by Steve K7AWB
January —– What to look for in an amplifier, Part 2 by Dan N5AR


December—–Annual Awards Banquet in Spangle
November—–What to look for in an amplifier, Part 1 by Dan N5AR
October—–RTTY operating and contesting by Jay WS7I
September—–Video on putting a 84′ dipole on a 140′ tower, moderated by Lamar WA7LT
August—–Summery of Field Day Operations by Randy K7TQ
July —–Annual Summer picnic at Dale’s WU7X
June—– Discussion of Field Day planning
May—–VK0IR Heard Island Dxpedition video (9V1YC Production)
April—–Video on raising a 5-element, 20-meter yagi on a tram, moderated by Lamar WA7LT
March—– June 2004 Field Day planning/ review of last year’s effort by Doug W3AS
February—–4-Square antennas for 80 & 160 meters by Dan N5AR
January—- WRTC Team Championships video, 2002 in Finland (9V1YC Production)


December—–Annual Awards Banquet at China Best restaurant in downtown Spokane; included a video on a DXpedition to South Georgia Island
November —– A CQ Magazine video on contesting, covering both CQ and ARRL events
October —– A continuation of dynamic reciever performance using an ICOM 756 PRO as the test unit by Dan N5AR
September —– Annual Summer picnic at home of Dale WU7X
August —– A program on receiver performance by Dan N5AR
July —–
June —– Lamar WA7LT made a presentation on antenna installations – baluns, towers, and guying
May —– VP8DHU South Sandwich Island video
April —– Presentation by Doug W3AS on hanging antennas from trees (without harming the trees)
March —– No formal program – “technical problems”
February —– Doug W3AS and Randy K7TQ, presented a CQ Magazine video on contesting and gave some tips on using CW
January —– Lamar WA7LT presented a view graph program entitled: So You Want an Antenna


December —– Annual Awards Banquet at China Best restaurant in downtown Spokane
November —– The three founding members of SDXA (Dan N5AR, Gary K7OX, and Lamar WA7LT), who have DXCC Honor Roll plaques, presented some of their operating and QSLing tips
October —– Randy K7TQ gave a program on computer propagation predictions – included W6EL Prop, Prop View, and VOA Cap
September —– Lamar WA7LT gave an view graph presentation of the other side of contesting
August —– Annual Summer picnic
July —– Dan N5AR gave a view graph presentation of the many variations of the cubical quad antenna
June —– Gary K7OX gave a live demonstration of the local 2 meter DX packet cluster
May —– Randy K7TQ provided the NCDXA slide presentation of the St. Brandon DXpedition
April —– 80-meter 4-square arrays by Dan N5AR — – – – First SDXA Official Meeting


Do you have an idea for a presentation or program for a meeting? Would you like to give a presentation or demonstration on a subject that you are an “expert” in that our members would enjoy?

Our programs are scheduled by our Vice-President Gary Bytnar AD7XG. Email him and discuss the topics.