December—–Annual Awards Banquet in Spangle with Ward Silver N0AX – Kure Isl.
November—–Shunt feeding a tower for 40, 80, and 160 meters by Dan N5AR
October—–PVRC video- Lightning Protection, moderated by Lamar WA7LT
September—–Field Day Summary by Randy K7TQ
August—–PVRC video – Tower Installation
July—–Summer Picnic at Dale’s WU7X
June—–Banaba Dxpedition T33C video; photos of Dayton Hamvention; the Jay Leno Show battle between text messaging and cw
May—–Field Day Efforts over the past 2 years by Doug W3AS
April—–Installation of his tower and SteppIR beam by Dale WU7X
March—– Ten-Tec video: intro to company and details on the Orion Transceiver
February—– Intro to 6-meters with emphasis on Meteor Scatter by Steve K7AWB
January —– What to look for in an amplifier, Part 2 by Dan N5AR