December—–Annual Awards Banquet at China Best restaurant in downtown Spokane; included a video on a DXpedition to South Georgia Island
November —– A CQ Magazine video on contesting, covering both CQ and ARRL events
October —– A continuation of dynamic reciever performance using an ICOM 756 PRO as the test unit by Dan N5AR
September —– Annual Summer picnic at home of Dale WU7X
August —– A program on receiver performance by Dan N5AR
July —–
June —– Lamar WA7LT made a presentation on antenna installations – baluns, towers, and guying
May —– VP8DHU South Sandwich Island video
April —– Presentation by Doug W3AS on hanging antennas from trees (without harming the trees)
March —– No formal program – “technical problems”
February —– Doug W3AS and Randy K7TQ, presented a CQ Magazine video on contesting and gave some tips on using CW
January —– Lamar WA7LT presented a view graph program entitled: So You Want an Antenna