BOUVET ISLAND is the 4th most needed entity from our part of North America according the CLubLog’s information. Here is the latest news of their ocean journey to the “most remote island in the world.”

February 1, 2018, 1300 UTC: Our ship is still at anchor off the east side of Bouvet. Winds are 35 to 40 knots, and the ship is pitching and rolling up to 30 degrees. This makes flying and a landing attempt impossible today. The temperature is hovering at around 0 degrees C. Visibility has improved. We are poised and ready when a weather window opens. We had our maritime mobile station up for a few hours, but had to take it down again to avoid damage caused by the extreme motion of the ship.

1445 UTC: Winds have increased to 45 knots. Unsecured items are again sliding across floors and tables. Some team members are again feeling seasick. The barometer has risen, slightly. We are anxiously awaiting calmer conditions. Hang in there with us!

Ralph, KØIR

The DXpedition should be on the air soon. They plan to have 2 stations on the air continuously. Propagation will pick up significantly in late January as there will be almost 9 3/4 hours of daylight and the gains will accelerate dramatically in February. Any increase in solar activity will be a bonus.

LINK to Bouvet website.