Thursday, January 26th, 2017
At the recent December Awards Banquet, George W6AEA received a plaque on his long time contributions to SDXA. He was one of the original charter members, attending the noisy pizza place organizational meeting which started the SDXA. George has recently moved to the West Side (the Dark Side?) and is inactive until he finds a permanent place for towers.
The Plaque says:
Meritorious Service Award – 2016
George Tuncil W6AEA
Thank you for Your Years of Service and Support as a Charter Member to the Spokane DX Association
Here are some more pictures of George throughout the SDXA years:
George showing his ARRL Honor Roll plaque; Presently, he has 338 confirmed of the possible 339. Bouvet is his last need.
George W6AEA and his pal Wayne WA1PMA showing their twin ARRL Challenge Awards
George enjoying mankind’s best food from the Colonel at a recent Summer Picnic
George receives his ARRL 5-Band DXCC plaque[/caption]
George at his operating position.
George’s Force 12 antenna, his big boomer which helped in achieving ARRL DXCC Honor Roll. In front of it is the SteppIR vertical and a nice looking pool.