September 5th on Zoom

 Next Level Contesting; Making the Move to SO2R – K5ZD

Randy Thompson, K5ZD has been licensed and active in contesting since 1973 at age 13. He is an accomplished operator, having multiple single-operator wins in the ARRL Sweepstakes, CQ World Wide DX Contest, and the CQ WPX Contest, among others. Randy is a past editor of the “National Contest Journal” and a co-founder of the website. He was the Director of the CQ WPX Contest 2008-2013, the Director of the CQ World Wide DX Contest 2013-2016, and is a member of the CQ Magazine Contest Hall of Fame. He has competed in six World Radiosport Team Championships and was a co-chair of the organizing committee
for WRTC2014 in Boston. When not in front of a radio, Randy works in technical sales of a global system integrator.

2024 SDXA Programs

  • January –“Operating Techniques: Tips & Tricks, and KL9A Station updates” with Chris Hurlbut KL9A 
  • February — H44WA Solomon Islands DXpedition” with Robin Amunbson WA7CPA
  • March — Gary Sutcliffe, W9XT, Low Band Receive Antennas
  • April — H4ØWA  Temotu DXpedition with Jay Lopes AC7DC
  • May – Station Design and How it Works for Contesting and DXing with Craig Thompson K9CT
  • June – End-Fed Half-Wave by Steve Dick K1RF
  • July – Contest Operating at PJ2T – Three SDXAers share their experiences

 2023 SDXA Programs

  • January — DXpedition to Palau (T88WA) With Rob Fanfant N7QT (Zoom)
    • The team includes N7QT Rob, WA7CPA Robin, N7JP Jack, N9ADG Brian and K5EM Justin. Rob and Robin are both also members of the SDXA.
  • February — Three mini-presentations (Zoom)
    • 1-How to improve weak signal FT8 Reception with Rob Fanfant N7QT
      2-Silent Key Estate Planning with Mel Ming N7GCO
      3-Reflections on CW Ops with Dale AveryWU7X
  • March – Field Day 6A – Mike & Key Style with Michael Dinkelman (Z00m)
  • April — SDXA Connection Dinner
  • May — Practical Hints and Tools and Field Day Planning (Hybrid)
    • 1. Practical Hints with Mike Buettner K7STO
      2. Field Day Planning with the Idaho Renegades
      3. World Team Radio Championship Incentive with Randy K7TQ
  • June — YJ0A Dxpedition with Al K7AR & Bob W7YAQ
  • July – Picnic
  • August – World Radio Team Championship & IARU Report with Geoff PJ2DX
  • September – Improving your  Audio with Mike Daskalopoulos KJ6MIC
  • October — Awards Dinner
  • November – Officers Elections (planned program didn’t happen)
  • December – Base Station Automation Techniques & Recommendations, with Bob Wilson N6TV

2022 SDXA Programs

  • January — “Hot DX from Baker Island” with John Miller K6MM
  • February — Everything You Need to Know About USB and Serial Interfaces with Bob Wilson N6TV
  • March — “Planning Your First DXpedition” with Al Rovner K7AR
  • April — “Rebuilding Your Ham Shack after a Fire” with Dave Ellison W7UUU
  • May — Four Antenna Related Products/Recommendations by Mel Ming N7GCO & Del Morissette WA7AQH
  • June — Receive Antennas by Mark Bauman KB7GF
  • July — PNW DX Convention Preparation with Randy K7TQ & Mel N7GCO and
  • DX Spotting Tool by Mel N7GCO
  • August – PNW DX Convention
  • September — Activating entities in the U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument (PRIMNM) By Don Greenbaum N1DG
  • October — Insights from the Idaho Renegades with Bob K7TM, Jim N7ESU & Pat N7UVH
  • November — “Station Grounding” with Grant Saviers KZ1W
  • December – Awards Program

2019 SDXA Programs


  • January — “Station Audio” with Del Morissette WA7AQH
  • February – “Antenna Modeling Orientation” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • March 2019 — “Operation Salmon Run in the Field” with Mike Buettner K7STO & Woody Jacobson N7HCJ
  • April 2019 — Home Brewing and Station Accessories
    • Gary Swartout (K7GS) Shared a number of his wonderful home Brewed equipment
    • Bob Lee (N7AU) Showed his designed and built Crank up Tower Pushing Tool
    • David Wilhelm (WA7TNT) Showed how to add the SDXA Logo to Your QRZ Page
    • Mel Ming (N7GCO) Showed a couple of Voice Keyers, Card to control your Rotators and PSTRotatorAZ, a  Rotator Control Program
  • April 2019 Saturday Workshop – “Antenna Modeling: EZNEC” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • May 2019 — Show and Tell
    • John Gager (K7KB) showed a “Serial rotor control box”
    • Mike Buettner (K7STO) showed his “NON-Tennis Ball Antenna Launcher”
    • Harold Hepner (AD7QJ) showed his “Tennis Ball Antenna Launcher”
    • Bob Hallock (K7TM) showed his “Antenna Launcher #3”
    • David Wilhelm (WA7TNT) showed his “Icom AH-4 Modification”
    • Mel Ming (N7GCO) showed an introduction to FT4
  • June — “ARRL Sweepstakes from the Pacific Northwest” with Brian Moran N9ADG
  • July– “Ducie Island 2018 DXpedition VP6D” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • August – SDXA Summer Picnic
  • September — “Using  and SDR To Identify Noise In The Shack” and “Behind the Curtain: Inside the ARRL Boardroom” with Mike Ritz W7VO
  • October – Hints for DXing with Bob Hallock K7TM
  • November — “Maximizing LoTW” with Bart Jahnke W9JJ
  • December – SDXA Awards Dinner

2018 SDXA Programs

  • .
    January – “low band transmitting antennas 40-80-160 using EZNEC” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • February – “Mellish Reef DXpedition” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • March – “Tools for DXing” with Mel Ming N7GCO
  • April – “First Time DXpedition Experience” with Bengt-Erik Norum K7ADD
  • May – “80 & 160 meter four square receive antennas” with Bob Zavrel W7SX
  • Station Tour – Chris WX7B
  • June – J5T DXpedition to Guinea Bissau in Africa.
  • July – “Using FT8” with Rob Fanfant N7QT
  • August – Summer Picnic at Shadle Park
  • September – “RTTY Contesting” with Randy Foltz K7TQ
  • October – “PJ2T station’s big anniversary” with Geoff Howard W0CG
  • November – “Contesting” with Chris Hurlbut KL9A
  • WRTC 2014 Gold Medalists N6MJ, KL9A
  • December – Awards Dinner and Jim Fenstermaker K9JF  on ham radio in Kosovo