Thursday, October 2nd, 2014

There has been activity on antennas this Summer at the home of Steve K7AWB. The Force 12 MAG620 (20 meter 6-element) blew a balun probably during a lightning storm and was removed, the balun replaced, and the antenna reinstalled on top of the Rohn 45 tower #1. The M2 2M5WL (2 meter 17-element) was removed and replaced with a M2 6M7 (6 meter 7-element) at the top. The 2 meter antenna will go up soon at the top of the Rohn 25 Tower #2. Also, a Force 12 5BA (5 band 15-element) will go on that tower. 1/2″ Heliax is being installed from some of the antennas to the bottom of the towers to junction boxes. All the work is not done yet, but the hope is to finished before the snow flies. Here are a few pictures.

Bob N7AU and Wayne WA1PMA  detach the top guys to prevent interference to the raising of the Force 12 MAG620 Yagi and its 44' boom (while Mark K7HPT observes)

Bob N7AU and Wayne WA1PMA detach the top guys to prevent interference to the raising of the Force 12 MAG620 Yagi and its 44′ boom (while Mark K7HPT observes)

Gerry AE7KI and Dick W7BHP next to the MAG620

Gerry AE7KI and Dick W7BHP next to the MAG620

Mark K7HPT, Chris WX7B, Gerry AE7KI, and Bob N7AU pondering the situation (the tractor did all the pulling!)

Mark K7HPT, Chris WX7B, Gerry AE7KI, and Bob N7AU pondering the situation (the tractor did all the pulling!)

Jerimiah KD7DMP on top of Tower #1 with the 6 meter and 20 meter antennas installed

Jerimiah KD7DMP on top of Tower #1 with the 6 meter and 20 meter antennas installed