Monday, September 30th, 2013

Saturday night banquet speaker from Yaesu: K7BV Dennis Motschenbacher.

Sunday morning breakfast speaker and International Pirate N0AX Ward Silver (left) with ICOM representative N9JA Ray Novak (right).

The raffle ticket area.

Former SDXA Vice-President, Convention MC, & transceiver winner WX7B Chris Prichard (see next pix) with Trish.

Convention Chair K7TQ Randy Foltz (left) presenting Yaesu FT DX 3000 transceiver raffle prize to Chris (right and with the smile).

Convention Chair K7TQ Randy Foltz opening the convention.

A new winner of the PNW Challenge Cup, the competition between the leading PNW DX contest clubs. This year it was the newest of the clubs, the Orca DX and Contest Club from British Columbia. A writeup on the contest results is promised soon. SDXA Secretary and convention Reservations Manager WA0WWW Jay Holcomb (right) presents the trophy to Orca President and 2014 PNW DX convention Chair VE7VR Dave Johnson (left).