Friday, July 12th, 2013




highlights of Field day from Chair Gary AD7XG:

Field Day operations went off without a hitch plus the weather was great. Tower and tri-band went up without a problem. The Titan vertical by Gap was its usual struggle to assemble, although it gave is fine performance on 20 meters. Guess all those tuning stubs and wires must do something after all.

Wayne was the archer with the bow and arrow, and is good at taking dead aim on the lofty branches that will hold up the 40 and 80 meter dipole.

The operations tent went together only with the help of everyone’s memory. The ground stakes and tie-down ropes went into place with memories of past field days and wind sending the tent airborne.

Our six meter station racked up one contact, made by Wayne WA1PMA, good work Wayne. Conditions weren’t in our favor, but calling CQ Field Day into the abyss had to bring more contacts. Better luck next year.

Ten persons inhabited the field day camp site with numerous visitors helping with operations. Next Field Day will have a registration book for accurate head count of visitors. Five dogs kept watch over the food tables and ready to defend us from any wild animal attacks, we think. BBQ ribs, baked ham and salads were all on the menu along with sweet desserts and plenty of hot and cold beverages. Where else can you camp for free and eat so well.

Camaraderie around the blazing camp fire brought everyone closer, old friends and new acquaintances. S’mores was enjoyed by some with a few 807’s enjoyed by others relaxing after the day’s operations.

We ran class 2A with the six meter station being free to class “A” entries. Final score will be announced by Jay WA0WWW.

Thanks to everyone who attended FD 2013, and making this fun event happen.

Gary AD7XG