Tuesday, January 1st, 2013
An Allied Radio Knight Kit T-50 Transmitter (50 watts from an 807, cw only and crystal controlled).
A Grid Modulator I built from the Handbook and it worked! Plug it into the key jack and use the microphone.
Heath Kit Q-multiplier for helping the National SW-54 Receiver (which today is really primitive!).
Home brew Power Supply for the Grid Modulator.
J-38 key.
Antenna was a long wire going out a hole in the wall below the window sill.
Notice the cup of coffee on the right side; I haven’t quit since.
Picture taken in December, 1957. That’s the month I got my Conditional License for phone and got to drop the N out of my license (KN7AWB > K7AWB.
If you have a picture from your younger days, email it to me as a jpg attachment and I’ll put it in the queue. Tell me the date, location, equipment, etc. Send to: [email protected]