SDXA DX Achievements

Sunday, March 23rd, 2025

DXing (Distance Communication) is one of the key areas for the Spokane DX Association. To encourage people to connect all around the world, some highly sought after awards have emerged. In this article I would like to highlight several.

DXCC Top of the Honor Roll Award.

Currently there are 340 entities identified. To receive they “Top of the Honor Roll” award you must have confirmed contact with all of them. Some have even more because they have confirmation from deleted entities (Countries).

We have four members who have achieved this Award:

  • Brian W7BJN (Phone & Mixed)
  • Gary K7GS
  • Jim K9JF
  • Jay WS7I

DXCC Honor Roll Award

To receive DXCC Honor Roll you must be with ten entities of the Top of the Honor Roll. Currently that is 330 or more. In addition to those who have Top of the Honor roll, We have five more (One has this in a separate mode)

  • Bob W7SX
  • Jay WS7I (RTTY)
  • Bob K7TM
  • John K7KB
  • Steve K7AWB

5BDXCC Award

Five Band DXCC on means you have confirmed contact with 100 entities on five specific bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 & 80. We have eleven who have received this award.

  • Brian W7BJN (Phone & Mixed)
  • Gary K7GS
  • Bob W7SX
  • Jim K9JF
  • Jay WS7I
  • Bob K7TM
  • Pat N7UVH
  • John K7KB
  • Mike K7STO
  • Steve K7AWB
  • Jay WA0WWW

CQ 5BWAZ Award

The world is divided up into 40 CQ zones. To receive the 5BWAZ award you must have confirmed contact with 100 countries in each of the 40 zones on five bands: 10, 15, 20, 40 & 80. We have six who have achieved this award. In some ways I think this is the top award.

  • Brian W7BJN (Phone & Mixed)
  • Gary K7GS
  • Bob W7SX
  • Jim K9JF
  • Jay WS7I (RTTY)
  • Pat N7UVH

Challenge Award

The Challenge award is for reaching entities on various bands. The minimum to get the award is 1000 band slots, with recognition for each additional 500.

2,000 band slots

  • Bob W7SX
  • Bob K7TM

2,500 band slots

  • Jim K9JF

Whenever you get a new award for DXing, please let one of our DX Committee know about it (Mike K7STO, Bob K7TM, and Mel N7GCO)