Work World Radiosport Team Championship Stations Incentives

SDXA Incentives

SDXA has Awards that are for accomplishments over several months.  We also have Incentives that are focused on single contests or events.  The second SDXA Incentive is:

Work World Radiosport Team Championship Stations

In 2023 the World Radiosport Team Championship (WRTC) will be during the IARU contest, July 8 and 9.  There will be over 40 two-person teams plus a referee for each team.  These teams are among the best HF operators in the world and should have little trouble working our SDXA stations no matter what antenna or power level you have.

Each WRTC station will have a unique Italian call sign making them easily identifiable.  They will operate both CW and SSB so regardless of your preferred mode you have a great chance to work them.

The incentive is to work the WRTC stations during the IARU contest.  Your antenna will determine how many WRTC stations you have to work to qualify for the commemorative coffee cup.

The antenna categories are:

  • End fed wires – any end fed wire or other less than 0 dB antenna.
  • Verticals – any single vertical or other 0 dB antenna.
  • Gain antennas – any form of beam, phased vertical array, or quad antenna that produces greater than 0 dB.
  • Run whatever power level you want.  There is no distinction for power level.

The number of QSOs with the WRTC stations required for each antenna category:

  • End fed wires need to make 5 band/mode contacts.
  • Verticals need to make 8 band/mode contacts.
  • Gain antennas need to make 12 band/mode contacts.


  • Geoff Howard, W0CG/PJ2DX, will be a referee for one of the WRTC competitors.  Which one will not be known until just before the WRTC begins.
  • If you work that station and make the necessary number of QSOs, your commemorative coffee cup will have a special acknowledgment.