Fall Tower and Antenna Work in the club
Saturday, November 9th, 2019Mike Buettner (K7STO), with the assistance of Bob Lee (N7AU) and Woody Jacobson (N7HCJ) lowered Mikes 60 ft tower down. Performed yearly antenna and tower maintenance (checked every thing over) then added my first 160m antenna (inverted L) to the tower. Mike has a wonderful setup for raising and lowering his tower.
Jeff Banke (NZ2S) along with Greg Preuses (N6WCN) helped Gordon Olsson (AA6TQ) remove a dipole off Gordon’s roof and tighten some bolts on his yagi.
David Wilhelm (WA7TNT) is working on putting up his tower. David is completely rebuilding a Mosely TA-33 and hopes to install it at the top of 3-4 sections of Rohn 25. The hole is dug, rebar, tilt base plate bolts, and gin pole are in place. Base and first sections are in.
Bob Zavrel (W7SX) has been busy putting up wire antennas on his antenna farm. All are center fed wires with lengths of 50, 90, 110 and 220 feet and tree supported.
Mel Ming (N7GCO) just put up a Butternut HF2V vertical to give him another option on 40 and 80 meters. Put out 40 radials. Also added radials to his 160 meter inverted L antenna.
Jeff Banke (NZ2S) and Dave Lehman (WA7F) put up Dave’s 60ft tower. Jeff did the crane work and Dave the climbing.
Bob Hallock (K7TM) put up an 160 meter inverted L for Jim Monroe (N7ESU). They went up in the tree about 70-80 ft and then horizontal close to 100 ft.
Del Morissette (WA7AQH) received his SteppIR Urban Beam he won at the DX Convention. Hopes to get it up for winter.
I am sure there are others I have missed.