Archive for June, 2022

Del’s Antenna Party

Thursday, June 30th, 2022

The group gathered today to put up Del’s WA7AQH High Tower antenna.

Del WA7AQH, Peter K0NG and Ted NA7TP making adjistments

Jeff NZ2S, Gary AD7XG, Del WA7AQH, Dale WU7X, Peter K0NG and Ted NA7TP adjusting the top stinger

Antenna Up

Fine tuning the vertical adjustment

DX Summit Users Training Guide

Here is a link to the DX Summit Users Training Guide

DX Summit Guide KI7DG & N7GCO

VE7CC (CC User) Training Guide

Here is the link to the PDF VE7CC (CC User) Training Guide

CC User

June 2022 SDXA Minutes

Here is the link to the minutes for the June 2022 meeting

sdxa minutes_2022_06web

Janet Lowery WX7P has become a Silent Key

Friday, June 3rd, 2022

We were sorry to hear that SDXA member Janet Lowery WX7P became a silent key on Thursday, May 26th. Janet was in the process of developing a contest station in Benton City, WA.  A service celebrating her life will be held in California, where most of her family lives. We extend our sympathy to her partner Sarah KQ7C for the loss of Janet.