Archive for October, 2019
The SDXA-sponsored 7QP plaque
The plaque sponsored by the SDXA
The SDXA sponsors a plaque for the highest score in the 7th Area Single-Op (Unassisted) Low-Power CW category. The winner in 2019 is Geoffrey Morse K7GA of Yuma, AZ. Geoffrey sent us a picture of the plaque and of him in his shack. He says in his response to the plaque:
“Here are the pictures! A wonderful addition to my meager supply! It was well worth the maximum chair time. Ham shack is semi temporary while finishing off a separate shop building for all the stuff (test bench, vintage table, main ops table). All I have presently for antennas is a 40 ft crank up pole for the X7 and a combo trap/fan inverted vee supported by a 60 ft Palm (80/40/30). Great antenna heights for domestic contests, but really gotta work for DXCC efforts. Next year hopefully I will have a bigger tower, 40/30 2L Yagi and inverted L ants for 160/80 all in the back 1 acre.
I had a Central Electronics 10B, 458 VFO to a modified DX-100B. NC-300 receiver back in the day in Brookings, Ore and later in Moscow, Idaho before joining the USN. My mother became an RN at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane. My father bought me a Viking Ranger I (traded in the DX-100) at HCJ Electronics in Spokane, too. Do you remember that wonderful candy store?
73 and thanks for sponsoring the award!!”
2023-2024 SDXA sponsored a plaque for: 7th Area Single-Op Low-Power Mixed
2024 Colliins Aerospace Radio Group (W7CXX), operated from WA7LNW, 201 670 points
2023 David Jaffe(WD6T) NN7SS King county 167,769 points
2022 SDXA sponsored a plaque for: 7th Area Single-Op High-Power Mixed
2022 Mitch Mason K7RL, Camano Island, WA 318,384 points
2020-2021 7th Area Single-Op (Unassisted) High-Power Mixed
2021 Mitch Mason K7RL, Camano Island, WA 378,603 points
2020 Pat Barkey, NR7DX (Op-N9RV), MTMIS 489,056 points
2018-2019 highest score in the 7th Area Single-Op (Unassisted) Low-Power CW category.
2019 Geoffrey Morse K7GA, Yuma. AZ, 131,841 points
2018 Larry Reader KE2VB, Oro Valley, AZ, 156,984 points
2015-2017 SDXA sponsored a plaque for: highest 7th Area single op, digital score
2017 Pat Murphy N7UVH, Post Falls, ID, 21,021 points
2016 David Wells N7AM, Pima, AZ, 8,715 points
2015 David Wells N7AM, Pima, AZ, 4,686 points
2012 SDXA sponsored a plaque for: highest 7th Area single op, high power, digital score
2012 Stephen Sala K7AWB, 9,213 points
SDXA sponsors two plaques during the contest season. One is the 7QP and the other is in September Salmon Run.
SDXA-sponsored Salmon Run Plaque
The Salmon Run contest is sponored by the Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC) of Seattle. More info is at their WWDXC LINK.
The SDXA sponsors a special plaque in this contest to the entrant who scores the highest number of points in the following special category:
Single Operator
Low Power – 100 watts or less
Operate in the EWA Section of the ARRL exclusively
Enter in Mixed Mode (two or more of the multiple modes and meet the percentage requirements in the Salmon Run rules
Here are the past winners of the plaque:
2024 GARY SWARTOUT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (128,265 points) <<<<< pending/tbd
2022 GARY SWARTOUT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (124,340 points)
**** this is for (entire) WA Single-Op Low Power Plaque by the Cascade Radio Club (Everett)
2022 EWA / SDXA plaque not not given out, since Gary topped all of WA.
2021 László Végh OM2VL, Slovak Republic, DX Top Score (also from SDXA) (6,829 points)
2020 GARY SWARTOUT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (166,820 points)
2003 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (84,416 points)
2004 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (131,080 points)
2005 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER – SK) (170,154 points)
2006 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER – SK) (172,800 points)
2007 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (104,140 points)
2008 WILSE MORGAN WX7P, RICE (SDXA MEMBER – SK) (124,992 points)
2009 GARY ELLIOTT K7OX, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER – SK) (261,236 points)
2010 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (172,264 points)
2011 RICK OLSEN N6NR, TIETON (245,096 points)
2012 RICK WERNER K7UK, WALLA WALLA (77,595 points)
2013 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (132,653 points)
2014 LAMAR RAY WA7LT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER -SK) (160,630 points)
2015 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (52,976 points)
2016 GENE BYE W7WMO, EPHRATA (97,430 points)
2019 GARY SWARTOUT, SPOKANE (SDXA MEMBER) (119,818 points)
SDXA members have won the plaque 8 times and non-SDXA hams won it 9 times. And don’t forget that we honor the highest score (using any modes) for Spokane County and the other counties for our outlying SDXA members.
article by Steve K7AWB
SDXA sponsors two plaques during the contest season. One is the 7QP and the other is in September Salmon Run.
Thursday, October 10th, 2019It has been hard to navigate though all the past Meeting Minutes for 13 plus years. They have been reorganized so first pick your year and then your month. Usually twice per year there were no minutes for the Summer Picnic month and the Awards banquet month. The minutes for years 2003 and 2004 are missing, but under investigation. Also, some of the characters (‘, $, #, etc.) in the text of some older minutes somehow mis-translated throughout the years so they will be fixed as time permits.
The first ever minutes for our first official meeting are for April, 2002. Here is a quick APRIL 2002 LINK to those to see how we started. Also, an article on how the organization started was written by one of our founders Lamar Ray WA7LT and it is in the Articles section; here is a quick LINK to it.
Meet Our 2021 PNWDX Convention Chairman!
Wednesday, October 9th, 2019I’m happy to announce that Emmett McCormick (NA7EM) with the Idaho DX Association (IDXA) has stepped up to the plate to be our chairman for the 2021 Pacific Northwest DX Convention! It is really nice to have members from IDXA take the lead on this and I’m looking forward to a great convention!
I wanted to know a little more about Emmett and the IDXA so I sent him a few questions to know a bit more about our chairman and the club:
How long have you been DX’ing and what is your main interest?
I’ve been DXing for 27 years. I love CW and the older digital modes.
Do you do any contesting, and if so, do you have a favorite?
I contest anytime I can. I’m not a big name contester using full power and large antenna arrays, I just enjoy the thrill of making contacts. I’ve always run barefoot or QRP.
I’m a SOTA participant and active goat packer….I’m on the board for the North American Pack Goat Association to actively fight legislators threatening goat access to public lands……so WG0AT is not the only one out there playing radio with goats.
What kind of equipment and antennas do you have at the QTH?
I run a Yaesu FTDX-3000 barefoot into a 6-BTV currently. I’m in the process re-erecting a 70’ Rohn 45 tower with a TH7DX beam. More antennas are planned for the future but I just recently moved to my new QTH on some acreage.
When was the IDXA first formed, and who started it?
The Idaho DX Association is a fully incorporated, non-profit, ARRL Affiliated, amateur radio organization formed in 2011 by Emmett McCormick, NA7EM. With a passionate interest in DX contesting, the IDXA club mission is to create unity among Idaho contesters, promote the spirit of amateur radio through respectful contesting, and to contribute to the overall goodwill worldwide.
How many members does the club currently have?
We currently have 40 members, although with any club, only a handful are actively submitting scores.
Do you have monthly meetings? If so, when and where?
We meet quarterly, usually in Lewiston, but also run a teleconference during the meeting to include all of our members statewide. The meetings are announced on the website and via our page.
I had the chance to chat with Emmett a bit during the convention in Everett a couple of weeks ago and I believe our convention is in good hands! But like I mentioned at the start of this article, Emmett and the IDXA has “stepped up to the plate”, meaning this is a team effort for it to be a success. Emmett and Randy Foltz (K7TQ) will be attending our September meeting to talk to us about the 2021 convention and the initial planning.
Article by John Gager – K7KB