Fred Fish Memorial Award Winner
Wednesday, October 20th, 2021Congratulations to Mark W7MEM
Mark is only the 17th person to receive the ARRL Fref Fish Memorial Award.
The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish W5FF (SK)m who was the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 meters. The award is given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF’s accomplishments. Thinks about it – confirmed contacts on 6 meters with every grid square in the continental US.
Greyline Performance HOA Flagpole Antenna
Friday, September 17th, 2021Here are some pictures of the flagpole antenna Jon Kimball KL2A gave the SDXA.
Jeff NZ2S has been doing some testing of the antenna and reported his findings on the SDXA user group.
This is Jeff NZ2S standing beside the antenna where he has been testing it.
Here is the link to the website describing this antenna.
Jeff drove a pipe in the ground and mounted the antenna on it.
The is the external antenna tuner barrowed from Mike K7STO for testing.
If you are a SDXA members and live in a HOA area or a place with limited yard and want to try it, you can barrow it for a few months. You will want an external antenna tuner. This is the 20’ model flagpole which is permissible in just about all HOA developments.
Jon’s company also makes a 24’ and 28’ model if your HOA allows that size that your can talk to Jon about them. He is a regular contributor here on the user group if you have any questions ([email protected])
Is it a Yagi on a 60’ tower, no. But it will get you on the air in a location that will not allow towers. It looks nice and well made.
PNW Challenge Trophy and Flounders Cup Contests Report for 2020-2021
Friday, September 3rd, 2021- This year we had 21 members participate in at least one contest. That is wonderful! That is the most I remember participating since being part of the SDXA.
- As a club, we almost doubled our total score from the previous year: 7,405,971 in 2020-2021 up from 4.003.973 in 2019-2020. Way to go everyone! This is the highest score we have had since I became a member.
- We had four members participate in all ten contests (Gary AD7XG; Gary K7GS, Pat N7UVH, and Jay WA0WWW)
- We had nine members participate in the CW only contests: Gary AD7XG, Gary K7GS, John K7KB, Bob K7TM, Jim N7ESU, Pat N7UVH, Bob W7GSV, Ron W7GTF, Jay WA0WWW.
- We had two members score over a million points: Gary K7GS 1,944,570 and Par N7UVH 1,250,358. This is an awesome accomplishment Gary and Pat!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to every person who participated this year. You help make it a record and fun year! I especially want to congratulate those who participated in one or more contests for the first time.
Antenna Raising Party At Ted’s KG6MTC
Tuesday, August 3rd, 2021
On July 15th a group worked at Ted Phelps KG6MTC to install his Hy-Gain AV-18 HT Hy-Tower. Work crew included: Jeff, Mike, Woody, Dale, Steve, and Pat and Del.
A great time was had by all. Here you can see a photo of the work crew with the new tower/antenna in the background.
The Hy-Gain AV-18 Hy-Tower is a popular antenna with the SDXA members.
Congratulations to Mark McMillan W7MEM
Friday, July 2nd, 2021Mark is only the 17th person to receive The ARRL Fred Fish Memorial Award.
The Fred Fish Memorial Award was created in honor of Fred Fish, W5FF (SK), who was the first amateur to have worked and confirmed all 488 Maidenhead grid squares in the 48 contiguous United States on 6 Meters. The award is given to any amateur who can duplicate W5FF’s accomplishment. Think about it — confirmed contacts on 6 meters with every grid square in the continental US.
New Mobile Setup by Dale WU7X
Wednesday, February 3rd, 2021Dale just finished installing an IC7100 in his 4Runner. He mounted a TurboTuner II and a Little Tarheel II antenna and used a Breedlove ballmount on the left rear panel, near the fuel filler cover. The head unit is installed via a RAM mount on a stalk along the tunnel next to
the passenger seat in front with the radio body and tuner are mounted on a molle frame in front of the left rear window. The touch screen, and ability to work HF, VHF, UHF, and D-Star all in one unit is what sold Dale on this radio.
Del’s (WA7AQH) Rotator and Antenna update
Monday, December 14th, 2020One of the great things about the SDXA is that there are always other members willing to help on antenna/tower parties and answer hardware/software questions.
Even on a cold December morning.
Jeff (NZ2S) and Gary (AD7XG) on the tower.
David (WA7F) and Peter (K0NG) for ground crew.
New Yaesu 2800 rotator installed and upgraded 80-10 EFHW 2K.
The new HyGain Hi-tower should be added soon.
Bob Zavrel’s book now in 2nd Edition
Friday, December 11th, 2020Congratulations to Bob Zavrel (W7SX)on the release of his Antenna Theory book 2nd edition which was released two days ago. The first edition went through 4 printings. It is being used as a reference by EE students in advanced Antenna theory courses, practicing radio engineers, and of course radio amateurs.
Congratulations to Bob Lee (N7AU) for winning the 2019 CQ WW DX 160 meter contest 2019 Plaque
Wednesday, November 25th, 2020RTTY Contest Workshops
Saturday, September 26th, 2020“Introduction to RTTY Contesting Workshop”
Monday, September 21st at 7 PM on Zoom
“Using N1MM+ in RTTY Contesting Workshop”
Thursday, September 24st at 7 PM on Zoom
Randy will demonstrate on his screen how he sets up and uses N1MM+ in RTTY Contests.