
SDXA has a library of books that can be checked out by members. Members are responsible for minimum wear and tear, realizing that if they do not return the books, the cost of a new ones will

Up the Tower by Steve Morris, K7LXC ($35)
If you are thinking of putting up a tower, this is a great book.

Array of Light, 3rd edition: Straight talk about antennas and related subjects, by Tom Schllier N6BT ($35)

HF Vertical Performance and tests, by Steve and Ward Silver N0AX ($35)
Real tests on popular HF Vertical antennas

HF Triband Performance and test, by Steve and Ward ($35)
Real tests on popular HF Vertical antennas

RTTY Handbook, 73Magazine staff ($35) (donated by N7AU)
If you are interested in RTTY, check this book out.

The Care and Feeding of Trans. Lines by W1ZR ($35) (donated by AD7XG)

Vertical Antenna Classics by KU7G/ARRL ($15)(donated by AC7MV)

DXing 101x by AC6V ($25) (donated by AC7MV)
A great introduction to DXing.

NOTE: The Price after the book is what you owe the club if you don’t bring it back.