Archive for May, 2024

SDXA Members with YouTube Channels

Tuesday, May 21st, 2024

In addition to the SDXA YouTube channel, two of our members also have YouTube Channels you will want to check out.

Toivo Mykkanen W8TJM has a very interesting channel that includes several videos on Moxen antennas. He also wrote a couple of articles for QST on these.

His channel is:


Randy Foltz K7TQ has many videos on the SDXA channel and additional ones on his own channel including a couple of awesome tower/antenna videos. The receive antenna video is also available here.

His channel is:




The SDXA YouTube channel



I believe soon Jim Barber N7CXI will also be launching his YouTube channel. When he launches his channel I will add the link.

May 2024 SDXA Minutes

here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2024_05web