Archive for March, 2024

SK (Chuck KI7DG) Tower/antennas taken down

Sunday, March 24th, 2024

11 Members of the Spokane DX Association (2 from Ephrata, 2 from Moses Lake, 1 from Davenport, 1 from Okanagon, and 5 from Spokane) made their way to Okanogon yesterday to take down a tower with antennas, plus three other masts with antennas for the widow of a SK (Chuck KI7DG). In spite of the rain we were able to get the job done. Appreciate the willingness of these SDXA hams to help a widow.

160 meter WAS

Monday, March 11th, 2024

Congratulations to Bob Lee N7AU for getting the WAS Award for 160 meters

March 2024 SDXA Minutes

here is the link to the minutes: sdxa minutes_2024_03web


Wednesday, March 6th, 2024

More than a year ago Mike/K7STO and Brian/W7BJN were talking about doing the 2023 and decided to do 80 SSB….in different categories for the simple reason they don’t like butting heads with good friends in Contests. So they ended up winning 2 different categories on High Power Single Op SSB. The heavy lifting on Brian’s end was just a simple Double Bazooka Inverted Vee. Mike’s antenna was the DX Engineering VA-2 Vertical… As you can see in the attached picture…One year and 2 days later they both received their Division Winner plaques in respective categories.