2011 plaque — SDXA sponsored
The 2012 Salmon Run contest (Washington State QSO Party) is over and several locals were heard in the contest. There was a new rule change affecting us.
SDXA sponsors a plaque in the this contest for the high score in the Low Power, Single Operator, EWA based, Mixed Mode category. What does this category mean?
-Low Power = 100 watts or less
-Single Operator = one operator, no help from others (food delivery is OK)
-EWA based = Station must be located in the ARRL-defined EWA Section
-Mixed Mode = Mixed-mode entries make contacts using more than one mode (Phone, CW, Digital). To be eligible for an Award, a mixed-mode entry must have a minimum of 5% of the total contacts on a second or a combination of second and third modes. This is a new rule to help the small Mixed Mode entrants who previously had to make at least 10 contacts in an alternate mode.
The Salmon Run is sponsored by our friends in Seattle, the Western Washington DX Club (WWDXC). Info on the contest can be found at this SALMON RUN LINK.
Previous winners of the SDXA-sponsored plaque are:
2003-2004-2007-2010 W7WMO Gene Bye from Ephrata
2005-2006-2009 K7OX Gary Elliott from Spokane County (SDXA member)
2008 WX7P Wilse Morgan from Rice (SDXA member)
2011 W7YKM Rick Olsen (N6NR) from Tieton