A look back at Lamar’s contesting career
The plaque is given to the highest score in the following category:
Low Power
Single Operator
operate from ARRL EWA Section
Mixed Mode
Lamar made 160,630 points from 636 QSOs and 102 multipliers operating from his home QTH. He also was high score for Spokane County.
This is the 12th year the SDXA has sponsored this plaque. Two other SDXA members have won it: Gary K7OX three times and Wilse WX7P (SK) once.
Other SDXA members in the contest were:
Chuck KI7DG 217,006 points from 1051 QSOs and 103 multipliers. SO, High Power, SSB Mode category in Okanogan County (winner of Okanogan County and Washington state in category)
Randy K7TQ 95,210 points from 451 QSOs and 70 multipliers. Mobile CW Mode category with Jay WA0WWW
Gary AD7XG 15,316 points from 143 QSOs and 44 multipliers. SO, Low Power, Mixed Mode in Lincoln County (winner of Lincoln County). Clean sweep of all 39 Washington Counties
Mark KB7HDX 86,684 points from 513 QSOs and 84 multipliers. SO, Low Power, SSB Mode category in Yakima County (winner of Yakima County)
Gary K7GS 48,380 points from 228 QSOs and 70 multipliers. SO, Low Power, CW Mode in Spokane County
Chris WX7B 19,038 points from 143 QSLs and 58 multipliers. SO, Low Power, Mixed Mode in Spokane County
SDXA took third (555,580 points) in the total club score behind Radio Club of Redmond (1,214,235 points) and Western Washington DX Club (1,438,250 points – not eligible for awards)
here is a LINK to all the Salmon Run scores from the Western Washington DX Club website.