Proposed Constitution Change
Sunday, January 29th, 2023Here is a marked up copy of the proposed SDXA constitution Change.
It will be presented at the February 2023 meeting and voted on at the March 2023 meeting
Here is a marked up copy of the proposed SDXA constitution Change.
It will be presented at the February 2023 meeting and voted on at the March 2023 meeting
The SDXA Million Point Club was established in October 2021 to recognize SDXA members who accomplished a combined score of at least one million points in the ten PNW Challenge Cup contests. The ten contests are a combination of three CW, three SSB, three RTTY, and one mixed CW and SSB DX contests. There were six club members who achieved this award in the inaugural year, thus, becoming Charter Members. Each of them received a plaque recognizing their accomplishment plus an “SDXA Million Points Club Member” tag to hang on their SDXA name badge. The six, in alphabetical order, are
The opportunity for other SDXA members to join the Million Points Club will continue for the 2022-23 PNW Challenge Cup season.
This weekend Mel N7GCO hosted a multi-one team for the ARRL RTTY RU. We all had a great time and exceeded our contest goals, which is always fun.
The team consisted of Randy K7TQ, Jay WS7I (one of the co-creators of the contest) who have been my mentors on RTTY contesting and Mel N7GCO. In a little over 24 hours they made 1,233 radio contacts (a little over 50 an hour) and had a score of 136,863. They gave Mel’s ham station a real workout.
The Spokane DX Association November 3rd elected a new club president, Randy Foltz K7TQ. Randy has served as president previously and as chair or co-chair for four PNW DX Conventions. He is also a frequent contributor to the Spokane DX YouTube channel.
The other three SDXA Officers were returned to office on a unanimous vote:
The club is fortunate to have a large group of additional leaders and activity teams as well:
The Spokane Hamfest resumed after a two-year break for Covid in 2022. There was a great crowd. SDXA members were very active in registration, setup, workshops and selling.
Here is a photo of the crowd by Joe Somday KF7PBM
Murf (N7UVH) and I (N7GCO) were busy selling the last of Janet’s equipment. (Photo by Joe Somday KF7PBM)
Bob N7AU and Tom KC7UG installed Bob’s new crank-up tower September 2, 2022. This is the monster crank-up he bought and brought back from the south.
Thanks to Tom KC7UG and his helper they came over with a boom truck today and in about 2 hours we the tower out of the trailer and mounted.
This is a massive tower.
August 5-7, 2022 the SDXA hosted the Pacific NW DX Convention. It was the first in-person convention in three years due to Covid. It was help at the Davenport Centennial Hotel on the Spokane River. The speakers were outstanding and everyone enjoyed being together again.
Ed Hare W1RFI speaking on “Radio Frequency Interference and the Radio Amateur”
Our own Peter KJ7IEA won the grand prize of the complete Icom 705 package
We were sorry to hear that SDXA member Janet Lowery WX7P became a silent key on Thursday, May 26th. Janet was in the process of developing a contest station in Benton City, WA. A service celebrating her life will be held in California, where most of her family lives. We extend our sympathy to her partner Sarah KQ7C for the loss of Janet.