The DX Century Club (DXCC) is the premier operating award in all of Amateur Radio. The basic certificate is awarded for working and confirming at least 100 entities on the ARRL DXCC List.

1. To show the DXCC status of SDXA members in good standing, the chart at the link below lists the main counts. For simplicity, it does not cover all the individual bands or mode versions that you can get. The totals come from the official ARRL DXCC web pages and not the members.  Here is the link to take you to a DXCC listing for our members, which is not updated often and is likely out of date, just a past snapshot for a reference (see ARRL site (link below) for the latest):


2. There are 340 entities (formerly called countries) on the current list.

3. An operator who works 100 is eligible for DXCC membership.

4. An operator who works at least 331 is eligible for the HONOR ROLL.

5. An operator who works ALL 340 is eligible for the NR 1 HONOR ROLL.

6. There are 62 entities on the deleted list. These are entities which no longer exist. We once had East and West Germany, now only one. Other entities which once existed include Zanzibar, French Indo-China, British Somaliland, Tanganyika, Tibet, etc. You had to be on the air and have worked them then in order to claim credit. The list is available from the ARRL and here is a direct LINK TO THE LIST.

7. Local hams Gary Bytnar AD7XG and Bruce Wade N7ZA are official ARRL DXCC QSL card checkers in this area. Here is a CHECKER LINK to the ARRL site where you can get their contact information.

8. Column definitions for the SDXA DXCC STANDINGS chart are:

CALL —– Your call

MIXED  —– Your total of mixed mode recognized by the ARRL. In other words, this is your total of mixed mode ARRL approved submittals (cards and/or LOTW) of both current, valid entities (340 maximum) and deleted entries combined.

PHONE  —– Your total of Phone mode recognized by the ARRL. In other words, this is your total of phone mode ARRL approved submittals (cards and/or LOTW) of both current, valid entities (340 maximum) and deleted entries combined.  The word “PHONE” includes SSB, FM,  and AM contacts combined.

CW —– Your total of CW mode recognized by the ARRL. In other words, this is your total of CW mode ARRL approved submittals (cards and/or LOTW) of both current, valid entities (340 maximum) and deleted entries combined.

RTTY—– Your total of RTTY and other digital mode recognized by the ARRL. In other words, this is your total of RTTY and other digital mode ARRL approved submittals (cards and/or LOTW) of both current, valid entities (340 maximum) and deleted entries combined.

DXCC (any kind) —– The X means you have one or more DXCCs. There are many modes and bands that apply towards separate certificates and this column recognizes that you have at least one.

HONOR ROLL —– The X means you are on one or more Honor Roll lists which requires that you have a minimum of 331 active entities confirmed on at least one mode such as Mixed, CW, Phone, or Digital (including RTTY).

#1 HONOR ROLL—– The X means you have confirmed all active entities on one or more modes. This is the highest honor in DXCC.

CHALLENGE —– The DXCC Challenge Award is given for working and confirming at least 1,000 DXCC band-Entities on any Amateur bands, 160 through 6 meters (except 60 meters). Deleted entities do not count for this award. The number represents your confirmed challenge total. There are 340 entities and 10 different eligible bands so there are 3400 possible points available.

You can check your official ARRL status in your DXCC listings found at this link. The ARRL update the listings daily and provide listings for the major categories such as cw, phone, single band, etc. —– ARRL DXCC Standings LINK

SDXA Members as of 01nov24, from the ARRL site:

DXCC #1 Honor Roll:

  1. K7GS – Gary
  2. K9JF – Jim
  3. WS7I – Jay

DXCC Honor Roll:

  1. K7AWB – Stephen
  2. K7GS – Gary
  3. K9JF – Jim
  4. K7KB – John
  5. K7TM – Bob
  6. W6AEA – George
  7. W7SX – Bob
  8. WA1PMA – Wayne

DXCC Challenge:

1. K6XT 2750
2. K9JF 2527

3. W7MEM 2332
4. W6AEA 2195
5. WA1PMA 2152
6. K7TM 2105
7. K7KB 2101
8. W7SX 2041
9. N7QT 2040

10. K7GS 1799
11. N7UVH 1736
12. K7AWB 1666
13. N7GCO 1570
14. WA0WWW 1515

15. K7STO 1237
16. W7BJN 1161
17. AD7XG 1076
18. W7GSV 1038
19. WU7X 1010
20. W7RJR 1006
21. W7GTF 1001

DXCC Mixed:

1. K9JF 369
2. K6XT 364
3. K7GS 353
4. K7TM 353
5. WS7I 351
6. W7SX 350
7. W7BJN 349
8. WA1PMA 346
9. W6AEA 344
10. K7AWB 342
11. K7KB 341
12. W7MEM 330
13. WA0WWW 318
14. N7UVH 313
15. N7QT 312
16. W7GSV 311
17. N7GCO 303
18. WU7X 294
19. N7AU 293
20. AD7XG 267
21. AC7DC 265
22. WX7B 265
23. W7GTF 263
24. K7STO 253
25. W7RJR 246
26. KF7PBM 244
27. KB7HDX 230
28. K7TQ 223
29. K7SYS 206
30. AC7GL 202
31. W8TJM 128
32. W7HTA 127
33. K7EIQ 123
34. WA7AQH 122
35. AG7IG 117
36. W7BVN 115
37. NE7F 102
38. WA7TNT 101
39. KJ6MIC 100
40. W7BKS 100